Posted by Mustafa Abbas on August 06, 2014 | Views: 37113 | Ratings: 2048
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Excellence of the Ziarat of the Infallibles (a.s.) of Jannatul Baqi
1. Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Hasan (a.s.) in Jannatul Baqi, then his feet will stay firm on Siraat (The Bridge), when feet of others will tremble"
2. The book of 'Muqanna' contains a tradition from
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) such,
"The one who perfoms our visitation, Allah will forgive his sins, and he will never experience poverty and distress".
3. Shaikh Tusi (r.a.) narrates from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that,
"One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) and his holy father Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) will never face affliction of the eye, and will not depart from this world in any disease or ailment."
4. Ibne Qulway (a.r.) narrates a lengthy tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s.),
"A person enquired from Imam Sadiq (a.s.),
'Should one perform the visitation of your holy father'.
Imam (a.s.) relied 'yes'.
The person then asked about the reward for the same.
Imam (a.s.) said,
'Paradise is for him, if he is a believer in our Imamat and our follower'. The person then asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.) of the position of one who avoids it. Imam (a.s.) replied that he will be in a state of regret and remorse".
How Ahlulbayt (as) oppressed by some people who hide their (as) real hadiths.
T a h r i f - Investigating Distortions in Islamic Texts Click on the link.
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani -
Distortion of history through edits/deletions in sunni sources
Syed Ammar on Baqee
Full transcript of Syed Ammar Nakshwani speech:
In the name of God, The most beneficent, the most merciful, all praises due to the Lord, master of all the words, and peace and blessings be on all his prophets, and the final Prophet of God, the Prophet Mohammad sallalahu alaihi walaihi wasallam. (Allahumma salli ala Mohammad wa aali Mohammad)
My respected brothers and sisters in Islam and my respected equals in humanity, I bid you the Islamic greetings of Asalamalaikum wa Rahmatalluhi wabarakathahu.
Last week, in Northern Iraq, in the land of Mosul, an attack occurred, which caused shockwaves around the world, and indeed caused outrage in many parts of the world. Many people were in disbelief when this attack took place. Indeed, many people could not believe their eyes when they saw the desecration of a personality, who is loved by over 3 billion people in the world.
For many years when we were stressing on the fact that the heritage of the great saints was being destroyed, nobody would ever listen to us. Many times, people would say that this was a Shia affair only, that nobody else should be concerned. Last week was a swing in this particular campaign greater swing than there has ever been before.
Prophet Yunus (alaihisalam) is revered by over 3 billion human beings in the world. In the Jewish community, in the Christian community and in the Muslim community, he is seen as one of the arch prophet’s of God. The book of Jonah and his story is recited on Yom Kippur every year. The book of Jonah is one of the most important books in the Bible, and the story of prophet Yunus is chapter 10 of the Holy Quran. In other words, the grave of prophet Yunus (alaihisalam) or the grave of Jonah is a grave, which is honored by 3 billion people.
You don’t need to be a Shia or a Sunni for you to honor that grave. Christians used to come to Mosul to honor that grave. The Jewish community knew of the land of Ninawa that it has covered that province; therefore, that grave in northern Iraq was a symbol for many human beings, and that is why the destruction of that grave is one of the biggest turning points in the Baqi movement and the future of the rebuilding of Baqi because before that nobody would acknowledge that there were graves of great saints being destroyed day by day.
When we mentioned, “Hasan bin Ali,” they said, “Shiite.” When we mentioned, “Zainul Abideen,” they said “Shiite.” When we mentioned, “Mohammad al Baqir,” they said, “Shiite.” When we mentioned, “Jaffar bin Mohammad,” they said “Shiite.” When we mentioned Ummal Baneen, they said, “Shiite,” but now when we mention prophet Yunus alaihisalam, suddenly Yale took notice, and you found for example that Notre Dame took notice, and you found that the Jewish School of Rabbinic Studies in New York took notice. Three different professors of Biblical and Religious Studies took notice because of the bombing of one shrine to the extent that Rabbi Benjamin Bletch, who is the head of the Talmud Studies in New York said, “What used to unite us and the Christians and the Muslims was what? Was that shrine of Prophet Jonah.”
Now, we are realizing that there are a group of Muslims who are the victims of “Muslim” terrorism. Now we are realizing that there are shrines in the world, which belong to all of humanity, which are being destroyed by the whole of humanity. You found for example Joel Biden at Yale, Candida Moss at where? At Notre Damn, both of them have written articles, which have reached the Wall Street Journal. Both of them have written articles, which have reached the CNN Blogs.
In other words, our movement to restore the graves and the shrines used to be a movement that was only our movement. Now the Jewish community saw Mosul, and the Christian community saw Mosul, and the Muslim community saw Mosul, and they saw that only one common enemy, Saudi Arabia, no doubt there is only one common enemy.
For over 90 years, we have seen what they just saw in Mosul. One attack on Prophet Yunus’ shrine, which is our shrine, caused shockwaves around the world. How about attacking the shrine after shrine after shrine after shrine in Madina?
When we come now to look at the Baqi issue, it is vital that we address two members of humanity, the non-Muslim first and the Muslim second. As for the non-Muslim first, when we address them, we need to make clear that Islam is one thing, Muslim is another. When George Bernard Shaw said, “Islam is the best religion with the worst followers,” they embodied that statement, no doubt. Islam no doubt is the best of religions, but sometimes you've got the most worst of followers.
When you look at the religion of Islam, the holy Prophet never wanted to build a state where people were forced to follow his way. He never wanted to build a state where they destroyed churches, or they destroyed synagogues. On the contrary, when he reached Madina and the Quran revealed the famous verses in sura 22 verse 39 to verse 41, “Wa law laa daf'ul laahin naasa ba'dahum biba'dil lahuddimat sawaami'u wa biya'unw wa salawaatunw wa masaajid.” The Quran says, “When people asked why was there the battle of Badr? Why are the Muslims coming out to defend themselves?” You would think the Quran would say that they have out to defend what? They have come out to defend their mosques. No way. The Quran said, “If it wasn't for us telling those companions to defend themselves in Madina, there would not be a single synagogue, church or mosque in world.” Yes! Because the religion of Islam recognized any institution where Allah is worshiped is an institution to be respected.
Whether you worship your God in one way or the other, Ali ibne AbuTalib gives a lovely line, what does he say? “The number of paths to Allah are the number of breaths we breathe.”
Imam Ali is walking. He sees a church one day. His companion next to him says “Moula, I wonder how much shirk is being done in that church.” To which the Imam replies, “I wonder how much Allah is being worshipped in that church”. The viewpoint of Imam Amirul Momineen was what? Was the viewpoint that is when you see a church that is where Allah’s name is mentioned. When you see a synagogue, that is where Allah’s name is mentioned. When he went to Madina, the Prophet wanted the sawameh, the bia, the salawath, the masaajid, the churches, the synagogues, the mosques to be honored. That's why even the Christians of Najran at the event of Mobahala, they said to the Holy Prophet that, “We have a Kaaba by the name of Kaaba Najran.” It was their center of worship. Did the Holy Prophet turn around and say that “We are going to destroy that church because that church is nothing to do with Islam?” Not at all! He said, “Continue worshiping in your churches, that you have rest in your churches. There is no harm you being in your churches.” The holy prophet wanted any area where a personality has passed away or God is being worshiped or God is being remembered to be honored. That's why even further that what do you find? Even we tell the non-Muslims that what happened in Bamiyan in Afghanistan, not far from Kabul, when they destroyed the shrine of the Buddhas even that goes against the religion of Islam because Muslims have to realize one thing. We can’t just speak out for our causes and not forget the causes of other religions.
That Buddha had no harm on any Muslims. Buddha himself never claims he was God. Secondly, Buddha himself never said, “Make a statue on me.” Thirdly, to make an image of Buddha is only allowed from the ripples of water in Buddhism. It is not something to be worshiped.
When the Taliban funded by these terrorists, when the Taliban destroyed those Buddhist shrines, the Buddhist statues, that was against the ethos of the religion of Islam, that had nothing to do with the religion of Islam. Therefore, you find on the first level when we look at this issue we need to make it clear to the non-Muslims this remains the only Muslim country so called in the world that does not allow a gravesite or a monument or a church or a synagogue in their country. They claim democracy. You are not allowed to have a Church. Iran, which is seen as “an enemy,” has churches. Iraq has churches. Jordan has churches. Lebanon has churches. Syria “no democracy” Yes? has churches.
The country that is funded the most that has such a beautiful embassy is the one that does not allow the churches to be built. Therefore on the first level let's make it clear that Islam did not want a religion where you have these churches destroyed, where you have graves site destroyed. These are peoples heritage, heritages that which they have inherited and therefore that is which to be respected, but then secondly the onus goes out on the Muslim. When you come to the area of Baqi, Baqi is the first cemetery in Madina. How does a Muslim not bleed when he remembers the first cemetery in Madina? The first in Mecca, Jannatul Mualla? The first in Madina, Jannatul Baqi? Both of them have been destroyed, but look at the names of the personalities buried in both of them. When you look at the names in Jannatul Mualla, let's not come to Baqi a day and forget Jannatul Mualla.
There are many who are here today who know more about Baqi than they know about Mualla, whereas in Mualla we have Abu Talib buried there, the backbone of the religion of Islam, and never will we stop saying he is the backbone of the religion The more you insult him, the more pride you have, which you give us to love him.
Abu Talib, the backbone of the pillar, Abu Talib who gave that valley for three years when Islam was in trouble. How could his grave be a grave with trash around it in Mecca now? Next to him Khadija; next to her, Amina, the mother of the Prophet; Abdallah, the father of the Prophet; Abdul Mutallib, the grandfather of the Prophet, the savior from Abraha; therefore, the first of the cemeteries, which the Muslims have to think about is not Baqi. The first of them is Mualla because that's where the holy saints of Ahlulbait and the backbones of Islam begun.
Then when it comes to Baqi, the first cemetery in Madina, the place where Rasullallah would go and bury people with his own hands. His daughter Ruqaya died there. She was the first female to be buried there; Assad Bin Zurarah, first of the ansar to be buried there; Uthman bin Mazun, first of the Muhajiroon to be buried there; great companions who are buried there and were meant to be honored. Then you look at who else is buried there? Is not Hasan, the master of youth of paradise? Is not Zainul Abideen, the master of supplication? Is not al Baqir, the one who split knowledge from its core? Is not Imam al Sadiqm the teacher of Abu Hanifa and Malik? Did not Ummal Baneen give away her sons to defend this religion?
Even if I was to look at my brothers in ahlul Sunna you cry to me about a house being hurt in Gaza, how about the house of Rasullallah in Madina? (al Baqi, al Baqi, rebuild alBaqi, al Baqi, al Baqi, rebuild alBaqi, al Baqi, al Baqi, rebuild alBaqi)
Every year, we are hearing Gaza, Gaza. No doubt, any oppression that takes place we speak out against, but you who cry when a house is hurt how about the house of Fatima in Madina? You who cry when there are people whose graves are being hurt in Gaza, how about the graves of the grandsons of Rasullallah? You who cry about the oppression, how about your own imams? Imam Malik bin Anas, Imam of the Maliki school, over 25% of the Muslim world follow his fiq isn't it a tragedy that the Muslim Maliki in Tunisia, the Muslim Maliki in Morocco, the Muslim Maliki in Algeria, not one of them have spoken about the way they have treated Imam Malik. Even if we take it a step further, is not Uthman, the third Calipha for you? Isn't he buried in Jannatul Baqi? Surely have some reverence when you claim that we are the ones who do not like such a personality. We are the ones who want to rebuild the graveyard, which he is buried in. Therefore, when you look at Jannatul Baqi, Jannatul Baqi is neither a Sunni issue nor a Shiite issue.
It is about time the non-Muslim, and I address my non-Muslim brethren who are behind us who we first have to thank for providing us with security here today, and secondly we have to address them in making it clear that the only reason we are standing here today is because it is one day you heard that the Metropolitan Art Museum in Manhattan or the American History Museum just down the road if you heard that there was a nation who want in there and completely destroyed all of it, it would surely break your hearts. If where your parents are buried someone came and vandalized the graves and graffitied them it would hurt your heart. All we are saying is that no human being should accept vandalism of any cemetery and certainly not the cemetery where our Prophet and his companion and his family are all buried.
There was a famous line of poetry, which I will conclude with. Many of you may have heard it. It relates to Nazi Germany, and it relates to the holocaust, and one man said that:
“They came for the socialists, and I wasn't a socialist, so I didn’t speak out.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I wasn’t a trade unionist, so I didn’t speak out
Then they came for the Jews, and I wasn’t a Jew; so I didn’t speak out.
Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak on my behalf.”
I tell you all one thing this country over here will first come out against the Muslims themselves, and the people will tell us “Well I'm not a Muslim,” and they will then come for the Christians and then they will come for the Jews, and I promise you they will be a day where you will turnaround and you will see no one speaking out on your behalf.
If all of us here in America can speak out for the basic concept of protection of heritage, then you will see that all of us will have the most peaceful coexistence.
Wasalamalaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu
A short video on Jannatul baqi in urdu
"And He shows you His signs: Which then of Allah's signs will you deny?" (Quran, 40:81)
Allah, the Almighty and All-Knowing has referred to the "Signs" of Allah several times in the Holy Quran. The "signs" have been places, events, personalities, catastrophes and many other things, but one thing which can be observed that according to the Holy Quran, the "Signs" (or Ayats) are meant to remind people of Allah, His Bounties, His Mercy, His Wrath, and his other attributes. Therefore, places, symbols, historical events or personalities, which serve as reminders and symbols for humanity, and strengthen the bonds of love and submission to Allah, are to be respected, revered and remembered, not only as a rite or ritual but also in their true spirit.
While the Quran refers to several things, the Signs are generally reminders and symbols for humanity. Therefore, in addition to those "Signs" mentioned in the Holy Quran, events and personalities like Hazrat Ibrahim's sacrifice, Imam Hussain's lesson from Karbala, Prophet Muhammad's character and places like Masjid-e-Nabavi and the Holy Ka'bah, all of which serve to strengthen man's ties and attachment to the Almighty, are to be respected and loved. Since we unfortunately live in a period when we cannot be contemporaries of these great personalities and evetns, we seek their relics, their traces and that is why things, places and relics attributed and associated with them become so important. It is not wrong to strengthen our love and belief through symbols and relics which remind us of these people, and subsequently, of the Divine Path of these Blessed people, Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. This is one reason why Muslims rever (or remember) the water of Zamzam, the stone Hajar-e-Aswad, the City of the Prophet, the Cave of Hira, the dust of Karbala, the "Devil's" pillar which is stoned during Hajj, the Maqam-e-Ibrahim (mentioned in the Holy Quran as a place of worship to be respected too).... These form our symbolic and material bonds to the pure remembrance of these divine personalities...
Some people in their ignorance think that Tawhid means love and respect only for Allah, and thus they attribute respecting and loving these symbols as "shirk" (associating someone with Allah) and they condemn all these things. Their point: Entertaining the love of anyone other than Allah is shirk.
However they cannot understand the point that when we respect the Maqam-e-Ibrahim, we are not worshipping a stone or a place, rather cherishing and re-living the memory of Hazrat Ibrahim, whom we love. And we love Hazrat Ibrahim for his love for Allah and because Allah loves him... Therefore, when we trace this line of "love", we find that it originates from and ends at the Almighty Creator, the Most Merciful!!!!
If we read the following Quranic verses, (both occurring continuously), we observe that in the first verse, Allah has described "shirk" (associating someone with Allah) as a "fall from high on" and indeed, one who associate others with Allah, is like one who has fallen from a high pedestal to the greatest depths...
"Being upright for Allah, not associating aught with Him and whoever associates (others) with Allah, it is as
though he had fallen from on high, then the birds snatch him away or the wind carries him off to a far-distant place." [Quran, 22:31]
However we see that in the very next verse, Allah has allowed respect for the "signs" of Allah, and in fact, declared it as the outcome and natural result of piety and purity of hearts and feelings. Therefore, these two verses indicate that respecting and loving the signs of Allah cannot be "equated" with shirk, and indeed, it is a sign of piety...
"That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts." [Quran, 22:32]
"O you who believe! do not violate the (sanctity of the) signs appointed by Allah nor the sacred month, nor (interfere with) the offerings, nor the sacrificial animals with garlands, nor those going to the sacred house seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord" [Quran, 5:2.9]
So the Quran tells us to respect the sanctity of people going to the sacred house for seeking the grace of Allah. Even animals and some sacred months have sanctity which should not be violated...
Finally, as an answer to the allegations of "shirk" by those people who reject these signs and symbols and instead of respecting and loving them, seek to destroy or erase them,
...But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)!" [Quran, 31:32]
Jannat-al-Baqi is the famous burial place of great personalities without whom the history of Islam is incomplete, in fact, some of them wrote the history of Islam with their deeds and achievements. The Prophet's companion Usman bin Mazoon was the first companion to be buried there on instructions by the Prophet (SA). The Prophet's son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy (and was very dear to the Prophet) was also buried there. Then the Prophet's beloved grandson Hazrat Imam Hasan (AS), was also laid to rest in al-Baqi. Al-Baqi has the graves of three more stars of the Prophet's family, his grandsons, Hazrat Ali ibn Imam Husain, Hazrat Muhammad Baqir ibn Ali ibn Imam Hussain, and Hazrat Jafar Sadiq ibn Muhammad Baqir ibn Ali ibn Imam Hussain.
The descendants of Prophet Muhammad through Imam Hussain and the noble members of his Ahle Bait. These are the Aal-e-Muhammad (descendants of Muhamamd) on whom you shower Salwat and Durood daily in your prayers... The Prophet's aunt, the mother of Imam Ali, Hazrat Fatima binte Asad also rests here. The grave of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle, Hazrat Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib also lies here...
However, on 8th Shawwal, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), mausoleums in Jannatul al-Baqi (Madina) were demolished by King Ibn Saud. In the same year (1925), he also demolished the tombs of holy personages at Jannat al-Mualla (Makkah) where the Holy Prophet (s)'s mother, wife, grandfather and other ancestors are buried.
While the monarchs have bulldozed and razed these symbols and reminders of the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem to ground, they continue to enjoy a life which is known to all. Isn't it a matter of shame for the entire Muslim nation that while they build fancy mausoleums and shrines for their political leaders, sufi saints and their parents and family members, but they try to erase the signs and remains of the beloved family of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him and his progeny)???
Destruction of sacred sites in Hijaz by the Saudi government continues even today. According to some scholars what is happening in Hijaz is actually a conspiracy plotted by the Jews against Islam, under the guise of Tawheed. The idea is to eradicate the Islamic legacy and heritage and to systematically remove all its vestiges so that in the days to come, Muslims will have no affiliation with their religious history.
Where are all those champions and "defenders" of the Sahaaba???
Why are they silent when not only the name, but the very graves and traces of the noble Sahaba are being erased???
Where is the Muslim nation which offers durood and blessings on the family of Muhammad, five times a day in their prayers???
It is a sorry shame that while nations and countries around the world spend millions to preserve their cultural heritage and efforts are being made to preserve the ruins of Mohenjodaro and Harrappa civilizations, the so-called Muslims do not attach even any "archaelogical" significance to these remains and traces of the Islamic civilization, and quite incomprehensibly, are endeavouring to ruin them!!
Q. The excuse is that pilgrims to Mecca and Medina and the lovers of Ahle Bait visit these sites for "Ziarat" and respect them and perform acts expressing their love and respect for those names and personalities, to whom these sites are attributed.
The answer to this may be looked for in the Holy Quran, where Allah declares the hills of Safa and Marwa as His Signs:
"Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage
to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good
spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing." [Quran, 2:158]
Allah and those blessed with divine knowledge only know why these two landmarks have been declared as the Signs of Allah??? One popular Islamic significance of these places is the memory of Bibi Hajira, (wife of Prophet Ibrahim) and performing Sai. Another reason may be that these landmarks are the birthplace of Islam, and the light of Islam shone and spread out from here.. Yet another reason may be that by alluding to Safa and Marwa, the Quran indicates and hints, that respecting and revering historical and religious landmarks and symbols, is not prohibited, and indeed, is highly recommended if they incite love and devotion to Allah, by reminding us of those "blessed" by Allah, on the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem.
Notice the tone and words of the above Quranic verse, which seem to allow and permit an act, which might cause some ignorant people to "Blame" and condemn it, and it has been declared that whoever does good spontaneously, with good intentions and purity of heart, then his reward is with Allah, the All-Knowing.
Q. Another excuse which is often brought up to justify this hideous act is that pilgrims to these sites performed "inappropriate" actions and even went to the extent of performing prostration, Sajdah to these graves, which isshirk and a sin, and therefore, it must be prevented.
A very simple answer to this question is that IF the Sajdah is wrong, then it should be prevented and the people should be stopped, instead of bulldozing the cemtries! If today out of love and veneration, Muslims start performing Sajdah at Prophet Muhammad's rauza, will they go out and bulldoze the entire Masjid-e-Nabavi to ground, in order to prevent Muslims from shirk???
To explain the "IF" in the above paragraph, I will mention two incidents from the Quran. It may be said that Sajdah is a symbolic act, of love and veneration. And every act has an outer form and an inner form to it. The Sajdah which we perform for Allah, the Al-Mighty and Sustainer, is the Sajdah of submission, devotion and an acknowledgement of His Mastership, His Power and His Authority. This Sajdah is reserved only for Allah, and performing it for anyone else, is a shirk and a sin.
However we find in Quran that Allah ordered the angels (and Iblis) to prostrate to Hazrat Adam?? All complied except Iblis, who was condemned and punished for not obeying. Surely this Sajdah was not the one which is reserved for Allah, rather one of love and respect to the Khalifa of Allah.
Again in Quran we find that Hazrat Yaqub and the brothers of Hazrat Yusuf prostrated before him. First we see that Hazrat Yusuf mentioned his dream to his father,
"When Yusuf said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon,
I saw them prostrating themselves unto me." [Quran, 12:4.2]
and then the realization and fulfilment of this vision:
"And he raised his parents upon the throne and they fell down in prostration before him, and he said: O my
father! This is the significance of my vision of old; my Lord has indeed made it to be true; and He was indeed kind to me..." [Yusuf 12:100]
We can see that even Hazrat Yaqub, a Prophet himself performed this prostration alongwith his sons, to Hazrat Yusuf. Therefore, since one cannot dare attribute their actions to "shirk", we can safely conclude that theSajdah, the prostration, can also be performed out of love, and as a token of respect and veneration, and is different in intentions and spirit from the Sajdah reserved for Allah, the Al-Mighty.
Therefore, without understanding the intentions, emotions and feelings of the lovers and pilgrims, one has got absolutely no right to violate the sanctity of the religious landmarks...
A point which I would like my friends to notice, (as they must have observed in the above list of demolished signs) that there is particular emphasis on demolishing the graves, cemetries, mosques and houses of the close family of Prophet Muhammad (SA). It is strange that the sites attributed to his grandsons, his beloved daughter, his uncle, his parents and grandfather and his noble companions, are being destroyed and demolished instead of being preserved??? Aren't these the very "near relatives", loving whom is our "attempted" reward for the services of the Prophet Muhammad???
"Say (O Muhammad!): I do not ask of you any reward (or fee) for it (my service to you) but love for my near relatives" [Quran, 42:23]
Is this how the so-called Muslims attempt to reward their Prophet???
Will any muslim bulldoze his son's grave out of love and respect??? Why this harsh treatment to the family of Prophet Muhammad then???
The answer is quite simple. One who hates the family of Prophet Muhammad cannot be a Muslim, since his durood, his salams and his prayers are all void without loving Prophet Muhammad and his blessed family.
Therefore, in the first place, these ruins of al-Baqi identify and expose the hypocrates and the black-sheep amongst the Muslim ranks, snatching away the masks from their faces and revealing their true intentions and feelings of hatred for Islam and its heritage... and very appropriately so, since exposing tyranny and evil is a tradition of the family of Prophet Muhammad, which reached its apogee in the supreme sacrifice of the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad, in the plains of Karbala. It is only to be expected of the sites attributed to them to carry on their noble task...
The people who today take out their hatred and bitternes over these cemtries and shrines, are the same, who brutally martyred the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SA), barely 50 years after his death...
These people, the party of Yazeed have time and again tried to wipe out the traces of Aal-e-Muhammad (SA), because they know that this house will keep exposing them, and continue raising voice against their tyranny, till Inshallah, the promised victory is attained... Therefore, these people have always tried to erase the signs of Ghadeer, Khyber and Karbala, and every time, their hatred itself exposes them..!!!
Also, this hatred and bias is due to jealousy and the handiwork of Shaitaan.. I will give the analogical example of Hazrat Yusuf (AS) once again. Interestingly, Allah has mentioned Hazrat Yusuf (AS) and his brothers also as the "Signs" of Allah, probably because their incident, their feelings and their history has a lot of resemblance to later events and carry several lessons.
"Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for the seekers (after Truth)." [Quran, 12:7]
Allah "preferred" him and blessed him with his "grace", and gave him special knowledge...
"Thus thy Lord will prefer thee and will teach thee the interpretation of events, and will perfect His grace upon
thee and upon the family of Jacob as He perfected it upon thy forefathers, Abraham and Isaac. Lo! thy Lord is Knower, Wise." [Quran, 12:6]
Therefore, it is history that when Allah blesses and "prefers" some of his beloved people over others, and endows them with knowledge and wisdom, the people around them become jealous and try to inflict harm on them, and try to desist other people from loving them, (like the brothers of Yusuf attempted to do) and to remove their traces...
Then the Quran relates in Hazrat Yusuf's words the cause of this jealousy and hatred, and identifies the "leader" of the party...
"My Lord was indeed kind to me when He brought me forth from the prison and brought you from the desert after the Shaitan had sown dissensions between me and my brothers, surely my Lord is benignant to whom He pleases; surely He is the Knowing, the Wise. " [Quran, 12:100]
By comparing this analogy, this rule may be established that wherever you see animosity and hatred against those "preferred" by Allah and blessed with "divine knowledge", you will know the "leadership" behind those opposing the "divine" party, is "Satanic" in nature and origin....
The link from al-Baqi to Karbala is obvious: Hatred against the family of Prophet Muhammad (SA)...
This very attempt to erase and hide those cemetries and symbols and to wipe them out of people's hearts and memories is reason for us to justify that what is it, what is the message, and who are those people, whose traces are being erased so anxiously and viciously in the 21st century?? What harm can a few shrines do to these powerful monarchs??? Why in particular, are these so-called Muslims so anxious to wipe away the traces of Aal-e-Muhammad, the Ahle Bait of the Prophet??? Why in particular are the graves of 4 grandsons of the Prophet (the Shiite Imams) have been demolished and not being rebuilt???
An even greater cause for concern is the fact that this party virtually rules the "Islamic kingdom" and heads the Ummah??? Shouldn't we find out their credibility and reject their leadership if it is un-Islamic??? TheseKhadimeen-e-Haramain wa-Sharafain, these greedy monarchs, are weilding their financial resources also to distort and confuse the real spirit of Islam...
Those of you who have been lucky enough to visit Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage, will confirm that there is a control and restriction on the books and literature which can be brought in, especially religious books. Why are they so anxious to block out this literature and these books??? Shouldn't this opposition and these anxious efforts be enough reason for you all to investigate and find out??? Shouldn't this perplexing hatred against the blessed family of Prophet Muhammad appeal to your intellectual and religious curiosity and motivate to find out more about them??? Shouldn't you be interested that why tragical incidents like Karbala and al-Baqi have occurred again and again in history??? Why has there always been an opposition group, anxious to martyr the grandson of the Prophet, anxious to demolish their cemetries, anxious to wipe away their traces???
Once you go through these books, many of the misconceptions and confusions about the sectarian differences will be understood, and people will realize why these misconceptions and hateful slogans are directed towards these sects...
Muharram has started and the message of Karbala echoes out, despite being suppressed and crushed in the past...
I invite you all to put aside hesitations, confusions, doubts and misconceptions and utilise the religious atmosphere around you and the easily available resources around you to learn and find out for yourself the truth... Maybe you will realize that sectarian differences are nothing, merely some vested interests at work to erase the traces and message of Prophet Muhammad and his blessed family...
How signs in Madina Munawara being destroyed (Urdu).
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.
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