3rd Rajab 1435 AH - Martyrdom of Imam Ali Naqi(as)

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on May 03, 2014 | Views: 929 | Ratings: 460

This jail was the jail that imam Ali al Hadi (as) i.e Imam Ali Naqi (as), 10th Imam of Shias was kept for years in Samara by the Abbasid Caliphs and died there in imprisonment.


3rd of Rajab 1435 AH – the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali Naqi al- Hadi(as) - the 10th Holy Imam. His martyrdom was in the year 254 AH. (According to another source, his martyrdom was on 26 Jamadi-us-Sani).

On this occasion of sorrow and grief in the household of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), I wish to extend my condolences to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(as), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all Momineen and Mominaat.

Please recite Ziarat of Imam Ali Naqi(as) and Ziarat-e-Jamea (links in the right hand menu) and offer nazrana on this occasion to renew your allegiance to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) and his Ahl-e-Bait(as).


Presentations about Imam Ali Naqi(as)

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Brief life sketch of Imam Ali Naqi(as)

Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Naqi (sometimes referred to by the title of al-Hadi), was the son of the ninth Imam. He was born in 214/827 in Medina and according to Shiite accounts was martyred through poisoning by Mutazz, the Abbasid caliph, in 254/868. Imam Ali Naqi(as) assumed the office of Imamate at a very young age of 7 or 8 years. At that tender age, he(as) had become a point of reference for the Muslims. People would refer to him and seek his guidance in almost everything pertaining to their lives.

During his lifetime, the tenth Imam was contemporary with seven of the Abbasid caliphs: Mamun, Mutasim, Wathiq, Mutawakkil, Muntasir, Mustain and Mutazz’. It was during the rule of Mutasim in 220/835 that his noble father died through poisoning in Baghdad. At that time, Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Naqi was in Medina. There he became the Imam through Divine Command and the decree of the Imams before him. He stayed in Medina teaching religious sciences until the time of Mutawakkil.

In 243/857, as a result of certain false charges that were made, Mutawakkil ordered one of his government officials to invite the Imam from Medina to Samarra which was then the capital. He himself wrote the Imam a letter full of kindness and courtesy asking him to come to the capital where they could meet.

Upon arrival in Samarrah, the Imam was also shown certain outward courtesy and respect. Yet at the same time Mutawakkil tried by all possible means to trouble and dishonor him. Many times he called the Imam to his presence with the aim of killing as also disgracing him and had his house searched.

In his enmity toward the Sacred Household of the Prophet, Mutawakkil had no equal among the Abbasid caliphs. He was especially opposed to Imam Ali, whom he cursed openly. He even ordered a clown to ridicule our Imam Ali(as) at extravagant banquets. In the year 237/850 he ordered the mausoleum of Imam Hussain in Karbala and many of the houses around it to be torn down to the ground. The water was turned upon the tomb of the Imam. He ordered the ground of the tomb to be plowed and cultivated so that any trace of the tomb would be forgotten.

During the life of Mutawakkil the condition of life of the descendants of Imam Ali in the Hijaz had reached such a pitiful state that their womenfolk had no veils with which to cover themselves. Many of them had only one old veil which they wore at the time of the daily prayers. Pressures of a similar kind were put on the descendants of Imam Ali who lived in Egypt.

The tenth Imam accepted in patience the tortures and afflictions of the Abbasid caliph Mutawakkil until the caliph died and was followed by Muntasir, Mustain and finally Mutazz, whose intrigue led to the Imam(as) being poisoned and martyred.


Sayings of Imam Ali Naqi(as)

Do not expect honesty and purity of intention from someone who has suffered from your malice; do not expect loyalty from one to whom you have been disloyal; do not expect goodwill from someone whom you regard with ill-will: his heart towards you is the same as your heart towards him.

Whosoever has the fear of Allah, people fear him and the one who obeys Allah, people obey him.

The torturing and teasing of parents is followed by shortage (of sustenance) and being driven towards belittlement and humiliation.

Beware of jealousy for its effect will appear upon you and it shall not affect your enemy.

Talking nonsense and futile things is the enjoyment and pleasure of foolish and insane ones, and the activity of ignorant ones.


Taken from Ziaraat.Com


Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.





