Posted by Murtuza Abbas on March 30, 2014 | Views: 9568 | Ratings: 1353
Pre Marriage/Spouse selction/Proposals
In case a boy or a girl has not been able to get married & wishes to do so ,Recite following :-
Recite Surah al Ahzaab (chapter 33) regularly.
Recite Surah al Mumtahinah (chapter 60) five times daily
Recite surah at Taha (chapter 20) and blow breath on a glass of water and let the girl drink it.
Sura-e-Muzammil each day once for 41 days & pray for it REF: Wazaif-ut-talib, pg no. 76.
Recite verse 36 of Yasin 100 times before salat of tahajjud for 40 days "subh'aanallad'ee khalaqal azwaaja kullahaa mimmaa tumbitul arz'u wa min anfusihim wa mimmaa laa ya'lamoon,
Recite Surah Furqan Ayat 74,75 & 76 21 times for 3 days & pray for nikah
Recite Surah Tariq Ch 86 esp on Arafat day
It is written in Biharul Anwar that to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or a girl be suitably married carry out the following a'mal of du-a'a of Mashlul
(i) Recite du-a'a al Mashlul preferably after Fajr salat or any obligatory salat for 40 consecutive days.
(ii) Do not eat animal flesh
(iii) Always remain in the state of Ablution
(iv) Wear Ihram dress at the time of reciting the du-a'a
Recite the following du-a'a after giving sadaqa to deserving mumin.
Yaa Musabbibal Asbaabi Yaa Mufattihal Abwaabi Yaa Man Haythu Maa Du-ee-Ya Ajaaba
“O Causer of the Causes; O He who opens the doors (to opportunities); O’ He who gives an answer to the call from wherever (He is called).”
According to Biharul Anwar to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or girl be suitably married recite the following du-a'a 100 times daily for 40 consecutive days after any obligatory salat.
Sahlam Bi Fadhlika Yaa `Azeez
“Make easy (my difficulties), by Your superabundant favours, O’ the Most Mighty.”
It is written in Bihar al Anwar that if a grown up girl is not receiving any offer of marriage, her father should pray a 2 rak-at salat (like Fajr salat) on Friday after Jumu-ah prayers and after the salam go into Sajdah and recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 21 times. Inshallah very soon she will be married to a suitable man.
It is written in Biharul Anwar to write the following portion of verse 132 of AT-TaHa on a paper with the solution of musk, saffron and rose water and bind it as a Ta'wid on the right arm, if a man desires to be married soon. Bind another Ta'wid like above on the right arm of the man or woman who is negotiating the proposal of marriage.
Nahnu Narzuquka wal `Aaqibatu Lit-Taqwa
“It is We who give you sustenance, and the good of the hereafter is for those who have Allah consciousness and guard themselves against evil.”
It is written in Kanzul Maknun to write the following du-a'a on a paper like a Ta'wid and bind it on the right arm of the grown up girl who is not receiving any offer of marriage. Inshallah, soon she will be married. As there is ismi a'z'am in this du-a'a, it should be removed during menses.
yaa noora kulli shay-in wa hudaahu antallad'ee falaqaz' z'ulumaati binooruhoo
"O Light of everything which guides them, You are He who cuts asunder darkness with His light."
Matrimonial affairs proposal of Marriage According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq(as), it is written in Biharul Anwar, whoever desires to marry should recite the following du-a'a before making a formal request for marriage.
Allahumma Innee Urreedu An Atazawwaja Faqaddir Lee Minan Nisaa-I A’fihunna Farjajan wa Ah’fadh’ihunna Lee Fee Nafsihaa Wa Awsa-i-Hunna Lee Rizwan Wa A-dhamahunna Lee Barakatan Fee Nafsihaa Wa Maaleee Faqaddir Lee Minhaa Waladan Tayyiban Tajaluhoo Khalafan Saalihan Fee Hayaatee Wa Ba`da Mawtee.
“O’ Allah! I desire to marry, so arrange for me a woman from those who willingly abstain from what is unlawful and who safeguards her soul for my sake and because of her, not only my means of sustenance will increase, but also make there be in it abundance and also make it sure that she will give me a virtuous son, who will be a noble successor in my life and after my death.”
It is written in Behaarul Anwaar that if unmanageable impediments are obstructing your marriage write the verses (Taahaa: 131, 132) with saffron and keep it on the body. Inshallah all hindrances will disappear.
To get your daughter married in a good family the following A’amal is recommended
i) Recite two rak-at salat with the niyat of hajaat.
ii) Then recite 11 times salawat.
iii) Then recite the five tasbih of Sayyida Fatima Zehra as under: ALLAAHU AKBAR 34 Times ALHAMDULILLAH 34 Times SUBHANALLAH 33 Times LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH Once
iv) Recite 11 times salawat.
v) Then recite the following Surahs consequently: Taha (#20), Shu-ara (#26), Naml (#27), Qasas (#28), Ya Sin (#36) & Shura (#42).
Beseech Allah swt with intercession of the 14 Masumin (a.s.) and the marriage relationship of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Sayyida Fatima (a.s.) and pray for the girls of our community and then your own daughter(s).