Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 02, 2014 | Views: 1009 | Ratings: 582
It is narrated from Hazrat Ameer al Momineen (a.s.) if one desires to depart from this world as innocent as he was at his birth,
then he should recite the Sura e Iqlaas twelve times after every compulsory prayer and then raise his hands towards the sky and recite the following invocation:
llahumma inni asaloka beismekal maknoone wal makhzoonil tahiril tuhharil mubarake wa asaloka beismekal azeeme wa sultanekal qadeeme ya waheb al ataya wa ya mutleqal usaara wa ya fakkakar riqaabe min an naare asaloka anto salle ala
Mohammedin wa alle Mohammadin wa an tuteqa raqbati minan naare wa an tuqrijani min ad duniya aamenan wa an tudqilunil jannata salemun wa an tajal duaee awwalahu falahan wa awsatahu najahan wa aakhirahu salahan innaka anta allamul ghayoobo