Posted by Mustafa Abbas on August 15, 2014 | Views: 19744 | Ratings: 1178
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Miracle and wonders of honey and the honey bee in the Quran
H e a l t h R e m e d i e s
Books of reference- Hadyat ul Shia by Ayatullah Mishkini, Tib e Raza, Tibb-e-Masoomeen, Islamic Meditives
Þ The Prophet (S.A.W.W) Says- 77 diseases are cured by honey.
Þ Do not stand and drink water at night, incurable disease will be contracted (6th Imam a.s)
Þ Drinking Rain water is beneficial for health
Þ · 21 raisins (kishmish) on an empty stomach for good memory and good health.
Þ · Do not sleep on an empty stomach.
Þ · Eat only when you are hungry.
Þ · Use the washroom before sleeping.
Þ · Do not sleep in a straight position immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion and causes gastric problems.
Þ · Do not bathe immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion.
Þ · Best not to eat anything except fruits between breakfast and dinner.
Þ · Do not eat fruits immediately after a meal, wait for a hr before eating fruits.
Þ · Eat the fruits at the beginning of their season.
Þ · Don't drink tea immediately after a meal as tea has acid in it and food has protein in it therefore digestion is hindered.
Þ · Do not smoke a cigarette immediately after a meal it is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes at other times and is the main cause of cancer.
Þ · Never urinate in the sea or swimming pools,one contracts incurable disease.
Þ · After a hot water bath put a mug of cold water on your feet
Þ · Best time to sleep, which is most beneficial, is 2½ hrs after sunset.
Þ · Start and end your food with a pinch of salt to ward off 70 kinds of diseases. End your meal also with a pinch of salt.
Þ · Waking up 2½ hrs before sunrise is very beneficial for health.
Þ · Namaz-e-shab is best for good health.
Þ · Try to do all work facing qibla and in a state of wuzu- Tilwat-e-Quran, cooking, studying etc.
Þ · Alims say that honey serves a dual purpose i.e. in the winter it has a warm effect and in summer it has a cooling effect.
Þ · Cutting nails on Friday cures many diseases.
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More health tips
Diet and Medicine of the Ahl al-Bayt: Which of your Lord's signs will you deny? Here are some natural remedies that have been revealed to us. Please promote healthy living by sharing this post with your friends and family. The knowledge of the Family of Muhammad is truly miraculous.
Brain foods:
The Prophet Muhammad said, "Give your pregnant women milk to drink, for it increases the intellect of the child." (Tubb an-Nabawi)
Children with mothers who drank milk during pregnancy have a higher IQ:
Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq [a] said, "We start our meals with vinegar like you start yours with salt, and surely vinegar strengthens the intellect." (al-Kafi)
Acetic Acid bacteria helps memory and response times in middle-aged and elderly patients
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said, "Eat celery, for if there is a thing that increases the intellect, then it is it." (Tubb an-Nabawi)
Celery reduces inflammation in the brain and memory problems:
Imam `Ali (peace be upon him) said, "Ointment softens the skin, increases in the brain, eases the stream of fluids, takes away coarseness of skin, and brightens the colour."
Lavendar oil helps your body produce antioxidants, which fight toxins and pollutants in your body. It prevents your body from increasing its blood glucose levels. It prevents liver and kidney dysfuncton. It alleviates migraines, anxiety, sleep disturbance, depression, trauma, and postpartum disorder. It reduces the development of Alzheimer's disease. It fights bacterial and fungal disorders. It speeds the healing of burns, cuts, scrapes, sores, and wounds.
A man said to Imam `Ali al-Hadi [a], "O son of the Messenger of Allah! My people are inflicted much with a cursed pain." The Imam asked, "And what is it?" The man said, "Headaches" The Imam said, "Take a glass of water, and recite upon it 'Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?' (21:30). Then, drink it, for it will not be harmful, God-willingly." (Tibb al-A'immah by an-Nisapuri)
Water-deprivation causes headaches:
Treating fevers:
Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq [a] said, "We, the Ahl al-Bayt, do not treat a fever except by pouring cold water on ourselves and eating apples". (al-Mahasin)
Apple water as a home remedy for fevers:
Oral hygiene and kidneys:
The Prophet Muhammad said, "Whoever makes use of the two pieces of wood (the toothstick and toothpick) is safe from the affliction of the kidneys." (Tubb an-Nabawi)
Link between chronic kidney disease and poor oral hygiene:
Imam `Ali said, "A prophet from the prophets complained to Allah about the paucity of progeny in his nation, so He commanded him to command them to eat eggs. So they did and the progeny became many in them."
Poached or soft-boiled eggs are high in Vitamin D and B6, which spur the production of progesterone, a hormone necessary for pregnancy. Eggs also contain B12 and selenium, which increase sperm count.
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said, "If a woman gives birth, then let the first thing she eats be sweet fresh dates and dried ones, for if there were a thing better than it, Allah would have fed it to Mary when she gave birth to Jesus." (Tubb an-Nabawi)
Eating dates increases dilation and shortens labour:
Alleviating pain from bug bites:
A scorpion stung the Messenger of Allah , so he shook it off and he said, "Allah curse you, neither a believer nor a disbeliever is safe from you." Then he called for salt, and placed it on the place of the sting. Then he pressed it with his thumb until it dissolved. Then he said, "If the people knew what was in salt, they would not have need of theriac with it." (al-Kafi)
Salt alleviates the pain of bug bites due to its anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Healthy foods:
Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq [a] said, "Lentil stew cuts off thirst and strengthens the stomach. There is a cure from seventy ailments in it, and it extinguishes the yellow bile and cools the abdomen. Drink lentil stew, for it calms the eruption of the blood, and extinguishes the heat." (Wasa'il)
Lentils are high in magnesium, which improves the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. They also remove bile in the digestive tract, and stabilize blood-sugar levels:
The Prophet Muhammad said, "Upon you is the black myrobalan, for it is from the trees of Paradise. Its taste is bitter, and in it is treatment for every malady." (Tubb an-Nabawi)
Black myrobalan treats asthma, constipation, hair loss, heartburn, gum pain, graying hair, mouth ulcers, vaginal inflammation, and more
Reducing cholesterol by Dr. Syed Ammar
Nine Chinese doctors had a major dilemma. They wanted to find a way of reducing cholesterol, yes. Reducing cholesterol, helping the heart become stronger, yes. You want the heart to become stronger, your breathing to become stronger, you reduce cholesterol, and the best ingredient was what?, a protein from the family of proteins by the name of metallothionein.
Metallothionein was what? Metallothionein was from the family of the proteins. Normally the name would be in the initials “MT”, yes. From the family of the proteins, it is a material, which is produced from the brain of the human and the animal, correct. In small quantities, the human brain produces it, and it is a protein, yes, which contains sulfur; therefore, it easily binds with zinc, with iron, with phosphorous, and you would find that this would be useful in what, reducing cholesterol. Those who have cholesterol over here or those who have problems with the heart or need to control the breathing, that would help us between the ages of 15 to 35, but as we get older metallothionein, what happens to eat it, it starts reducing, so what they try and do is they try and find ways in which they could increase it in order to help people who have these issues.
These Chinese doctors looked around everywhere in their experiment to try and find, which products exactly, which plants, which fruits would contain the most of metallothionein in order that they would be able to help. You know where they found the most, they found the most in “Atin waz Zaitun.” Quran begins the sura by saying what “Watine waz Zaitun,” “by the fig and the olive.” They found the most of it exists in the fig and the olive, but wait you cannot extract from the fig and the olive alone. You have to combine the fig and the olive to get the maximum amount, but they found in their ratio when you combine the fig and the olive to get metallothionein what would be the ratio, they needed one fig to every seven olives, yes. You know what stun the Chinese doctors? The word olive is mentioned in the Quran seven times, the word fig once.
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.