Imam al-Baqir (pbuh): Charity protects one from 70 sorts of afflictions of the world as well as tragic death; for a person who gives alms will never face tragic death. [Bihar Al-Anwar: 96/135/68]

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on November 16, 2023 | Views: 270 | Ratings: 69

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Imam al-Baqir (pbuh):

Charity protects one from 70 sorts of afflictions of the world as well as tragic death; for a person who gives alms will never face tragic death.

[Bihar Al-Anwar: 96/135/68]


Related Hadiths:


Imam Ali (pbuh): Attract sustenance by giving charity.

[Nahjul Balagha, Hadith n. 137]


Messenger of God (pbuhahf):

Indeed in being kind, there is an increase in blessing, and whoever is deprived of being kind is deprived of goodness.

[Kafi: Part 2, p. 119, H. 7]


Brief artice on the benefits of charity

In the verses of Quran and hadiths, it is recommended to give charity repeatedly. The effects and blessings of giving charity are innumerable, including increasing life expectancy, increasing sustenance, and the warding off calamities.


What are the blessings of charity?

Giving charity is one of the most important methods recommended in religious texts to protect people from harm. The importance of charity is so much that the Holy Quran considers not giving charity as one of the biggest regrets of those who have passed away. However, there are different methods of charity. In this article, while introducing the effects and blessings of giving charity, we highlight the importance of this recommended practice in the Quran and the traditions of the pure imams.


Regarding the effects and blessings of giving charity, it is narrated from Imam Sajjad (pbuh) that charity first goes into the hands of God and then into the hands of the poor and needy. The reward of giving charity has been repeatedly mentioned in the hadiths and the verses of the Holy Quran, even to the extent of it being in small amounts, is that not only ther are blessings for this act, but its worldly benefits are also very numerous. In addition to the reward of these individual blessings, the importance of charity should also be examined when it comes to the social situation of the Islamic society. In a society where charity is widespread, not only economic problems, but also other problems of people are solved by empathy among them.


The effects and blessings of charity

Charity has many virtues and effects based on religious texts in Islam. Among the effects and blessings of giving charity, we can mention the following points:

1.  Repelling calamities and healing the pains before they even occur:

Normally, when a person suffers after a calamity, he is patient and puts his trust in God, and recites prayers, gives charity, asks for the solution of this problem to the Almighty God. However, as human reason dictates that prevention is better than cure, by giving charity one wards of calamities.  Therefore, one of the most important benefits and virtues of giving charity is to get rid of problems before they even occur. The virtue of charity is to the extent that it repels and delays even the final judgment (that is death).

2.  Extending the life of person:

Extending one's life is also one of the virtues of charity other than the warding off calamities in a person's life. It has been mentioned in many hadiths that giving alms causes a delay in a person's death. Also, charity eliminates all kinds of problems dealing with having a bad death, severe and painful diseases, and the difficulty faced at the time of dying.

3.  Increase in one's wealth:

Another main blessing of charity is solving economic problems and increasing one’s wealth. It has been recommended in the traditions that anyone who has an economic problem or is poor or needy, by giving charity, this will solve his problem. Almighty God mentions the reward of charity up to seven hundred times.

4.  Forgiveness of one's sins:

God says in the Holy Quran:

And (as for) those who believe and do good, We will most certainly do away with their evil deeds and We will most certainly reward them the best of what they did. (Surah Ankabut, verse 7). 

As mentioned in this verse, doing some good deeds leads to the forgiveness of sins and the loss of the effects of sins. Among these good deeds that are recommended in many hadiths and the Qur'an itself is charity. Performing a good deed such as charity also causes a person to move away from the conditions of committing a sin.

5.  The love of Almighty God:

Giving charity also results in the love of God. In a narration, Imam Ali (pbuh) considers charity and mercy to be the cause of cleansing sins and also the means of getting closer to God. Of course, being closer to God has in itself many virtues and benefits.

6. Hereafter and worldly happiness: Among the blessings of charity, we can mention about happiness in the hereafter, going to heaven, as well as a good life after death. Also, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, charity leads to a generous and pious life in the world without being greedy. In addition, God Almighty has given good news to the believers by the virtue of giving charity by removing their sorrows and fear for it.

7.  Freedom from God's wrath:

One of the ways to be safe from God's wrath is to give charity. Contamination with sins and disbelief is one of the things that the Holy Quran mentions about being the cause of God's anger.

8. Solving social problems:

The method proposed by Islam to control the economic situation of the society and prevent economic gaps is to prevent the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a certain section of society and the lack of healthy circulation of money in the society. One of the solutions mentioned in the traditions is that charity as a means to prevent social conflicts among the rich and the poor.



Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.