Posted by Abbas Mir on March 17, 2015 | Views: 982 | Ratings: 622
Nearing the time of his death the Messenger of Allah instructed Ali that except Ali no one else should him the ritual bath after his death give Archangel Jibra'eel will help Ali.
Ali (as) gave the ntual bath and Fazl Ibn Abbas helped with pouring water with his eyes covered with a bandage, and the Angels turned the Messengers body in whichever way necessary.
Al Barra Ibn Aadhib was very unhappy when people paid allegiance to Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr and Abu Ubaydah returned Umar from Saqifa and confuse anyone whom they met on their way When they recognised a man, they forcefully took his hand and rubbed it with the hand of Abu Bakr.
Miqdad. Abu Dhar, Salman, Ammar, lbaadah Ibn Assamit. Huzayfah Ibnal Yamani, and Zubayr Ibn Awaam went to Ubay lbn Ka'ab's house. He refused to open the door until the matter was settled and there was no commotion left.
Abu Bakr and Umar, on advice from Abu ubaydah ibn Jarrah and Mughira lbn Sha'abah tried to bribe Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib with a share for himself in the caliphate.
Abu Bakr told Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib that people would take shelter in Abbas so that he becomes a strong fort for them, and a share in caliphate was offered to him because he was the uncle of the Messenger of Allah. Although people knew his and his companion's (Ali) position they had removed them from the caliphate.
Umar said that the Messenger of Allah had connection with them and with Bani Hashim, and he and Abu Bakr had not gone to Abbas with any need but to avoid any problems between Bani Hashim and people.
Abbas refused the bribe saying that if Abu Bakr and Umar had taken away the caliphate through the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), then they had usurped the rights of Bani Hashim. and if the caliphate was taken away through Mumineen, then Bani Hashim were also from Mumineen, and they did not choose caliphate for Abu Bakr and Umar.
The Messenger of Allah is a Tree and Bani Hashim are its branch - Abu Bakr and other are all neighbours - Bani Hashim are closer to the Messenger of Allah than other.
Abbas recited a poem.