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The Right of Allah swt From Treatise of Rights by Imam Zainul Abideen (peace be upon him)
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) the mediator.
Tasbih Fatima Zahra ki fazilath (urdu)
The term Dhikr literally means ‘to call back to memory’ or ‘to have something in conscious mind’. Therefore, when we are told to perform Dhikr of Allah (SWT), it actually implies that we have to be God-conscious or conscious of Allah (SWT) at all times. We must always strive to remember Him in all situations and conditions.
We have been instructed to perform Dhikr of Allah (SWT).
“O you who have faith! Remember Allah with frequent remembrance, and glorify Him morning and evening”. (33:41-42)
The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, “Verily my Lord has commanded to me that: My speech should only be His Dhikr (Remembrance); My silence should only be reflection; and My observation should only be for the sake of learning”. (Bihar al-Anwaar)
Many benefits of Dhikr have been mentioned in the Holy Quran, Hadeeth and in the supplications taught by the infallible Imams (as). Some of them have been outlined below:
Allah (SWT) remembers him, who remembers Allah (SWT).
“Remember Me and I will remember you, and thank Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me”. (2:152)
The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, “Allah (SWT) says: ‘My servant! If you remember Me in privacy, I will also remember you in privacy; And if you remember Me in an assembly, I will also remember you in an assembly which is better and greater (than your assembly)’”. (Kanzul-‘Ummaal)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) says, “The most deserving to be remembered by you is the one who does not forget you.” (Ghurar al-Hikam)
It brings tranquillity to the heart.
“…Look! The hearts find rest in Allah’s remembrance”. (13:28)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, “The true goodness of heart is in its occupation in the remembrance of Allah”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
It qualifies one for great rewards.
“…And the men who remember Allah greatly, and the women who remember (Allah greatly) –Allah holds in store for them forgiveness and a great reward”. (33:35)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, “One who remembers Allah is among the successful ones”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) says, “Be constant in your remembrance [of Allah] for it illuminates the heart and is surely the best [form of] worship.” (Ghurar al-Hikam)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) says, “Be abundant in your remembrance of Allah, for it is the best remembrance.” (Ghurar al-Hikam)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) says, “Remembering [Allah] is the light of intellect, the life of the souls and the polishing of the hearts.” (Ghurar al-Hikam)
It safeguards one from NIFAAQ ‘Hypocrisy’.
“The hypocrites indeed seek to deceive Allah, but it is He who outwits them. When they stand up for prayer, they stand up lazily, showing off to the people and not remembering Allah except little, wavering in between: neither with these nor with those. And whomever Allah leads astray, you will never find any way for him”. (4:142-143)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, One who remembers Allah extensively is safe from hypocrisy”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
It keeps Satan away from us.
Imam Zaynul-‘Aabideen (as) says in his supplication:
“O God! So defeat his (Satan) authority over us through Thy authority, such that Thou holdest him back from us through the frequency of our supplication to Thee and we leave his trickery and rise up among those preserved by Thee from sin!” (The Psalms of Islam: Dua’ no.25)
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, “Remembrance of Allah throws Satan away”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
The most commonly known ways of performing Dhikr are as follows:
To say Prayers. This act is called the greatest Dhikr.
“Indeed I am Allah –there is no god except Me. So worship Me, and maintain the prayer for My remembrance”. (20:14)
“Recite what has been revealed to you of the book and maintain the prayer. Indeed the prayer prevents indecencies and wrongs, and the remembrance of Allah is surely greater. And Allah knows whatever (deeds) you do”. (29:45)
To Reflect, Glorify and Supplicate to Allah (SWT) – Dua’ and Tasbeeh.
“…And remember your Lord greatly, and glorify Him morning and evening”. (3:41)
“Those who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth (and say) ‘Our Lord, You have not created this in vain! Immaculate are You! Save us from the punishment of the Fire”. (3:191)
The Holy Quran is a kind of Dhikr itself. Infact, one of its names is Al-Dhikr and Allah (SWT) has used this name for the Holy Quran in numerous verses.
“Indeed We have sent down the DHIKR (Reminder), and indeed We will preserve it”. (15:9)
“…We have sent down the DHIKR (Reminder) to you so that you may clarify for the people that which has been sent down to them, so that they may reflect”. (16:44)
“Indeed those who defy the DHIKR (Reminder) when it comes to them (should know that) indeed it is an august book: falsehood cannot approach it, from before it nor from behind it, (gradually) sent down (revelation) from One all-wise, all-laudable”. (41:41-42)
In all the above verses Dhikr is in reference to the Holy Quran. Therefore, Quran is Dhikr in itself hence it shares every benefit which other modes of Dhikr have.
The Holy Quran is the dynamic source of Knowledge.
Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, “Know that it (Quran) contains knowledge of what is to come, stories of the past, cure for your ills and regulation for whatever faces you”. (Nahjul-Balaghah)
Imam ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn Zaynul-‘Aabideen (as) has said, “The Quranic verses are treasures of knowledge. Every time a treasure is opened, you must see what lies in it”. (‘Uddah al-Da’ee)
“These are the verses of the Quran and a manifest Book, a guidance and good news for the faithful…” (27:2)
“These are the verses of the wise Book, a guidance and mercy for the virtuous.” (31:2-3)
The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, “Whenever the affairs become dubious as a dark night for you, resort to Quran, for it is an intercessor whose intercession is accepted and it is a witness that has been acknowledged. Whoever takes it as a guide, it will lead him to Paradise and anyone who turns his back to it, it will push him into Fire. It is the clearest guide towards the best ways. Whoever speaks by it shall be accepted; whoever judges by it shall have done justice; and whoever acts upon it shall be rewarded”. (‘Uddah al-Da’ee)
He (saww) also said, “If a person, whom Allah has given Quran, thinks that others have something better than it, then surely he has underestimated a great thing and overestimated a small thing”. (Al-Kaafi)
[Harith al-A’ war came to Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) and said, “O Master of the Faithful! When we are with you, we hear what strengthens our faith but when we leave you, we hear things that are different, which we do not understand it”. (It appears that some people were distorting the teachings of Islam)
Imam (as) asked, “Is this what they have done?”
Harith replied, “Yes”.
Thereupon, the Imam (as) said, “I heard the Holy Prophet (saww) saying: Jibrael came to me and said: ‘O Muhammad! There shall be temptations in your nation’. I asked: ‘What is the outlet from this?’ He (Jibrael) said: ‘The Book of Allah. There is in it the information before you, and the news of after you, and regulation for whatever faces you’”.]
(Meezan al-Hikmah)
The Holy Quran contains cure for all ailments, physical and spiritual.
“We sent down in the Quran that which is a cure and mercy for the faithful”. (17:82)
“Say: For those who have faith, it (Quran) is a guidance and healing; but as for those who are faithless, there is a deafness in their ears and it is lost to their sight”. (41:44)
The Holy Prophet (saww) has said,
“The healing of my Ummah lies in three things: A verse from the book of Allah, eating honey and Cupper lancet”. (Aamaali of Shaykh Sadooq)
A man came once complained about the pain in his chest. The Holy Prophet (saww) said, “Seek healing from the Quran for Allah says: ‘It is a healing for what is in the breasts’”. (‘Uddah al-Da’ee)
Talking about the greatness of Quran, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) said,
“Then Allah sent to him the Book as a light whose flames cannot be extinguished, a lamp whose gleam does not die, a sea whose depth cannot be sounded, a way whose direction does not mislead, a ray whose light does not darken, a separator (good from evil) whose arguments do not weaken, a clarifier whose foundations cannot be dismantled, a cure which leaves no apprehension for disease…Allah has made it a quencher of the thirst of the learned, a bloom for the hearts of religious jurists, a highway for the ways of the righteous, a cure after which there is no ailment…” (Nahjul-Balaghah)
In another sermon, Imam Ali (as) also said regarding Quran:
“Seek cure from it (Quran) for all your ailments and seek its assistance in your distresses. For verily it contains cure for the biggest diseases namely: unbelief, hypocrisy, revolt and misguidance”.
The Holy Quran is the Book of Allah (SWT). In traditions, it is mentioned that one who wants to converse to Allah should supplicate (recite Dua’) and one who wants Allah (SWT) to converse to him, then he should recite Quran for it contains the words of Allah (SWT).
“Indeed those who recite the Book of Allah and maintain the prayer, and spend out of what We have provided them, secretly and openly, expecting a commerce that will never go bankrupt, that He may pay them their reward in full and enhance them out of His grace, indeed He is All-forgiving, All-appreciative”. (35:29)
The Holy Prophet (saww) said, “Verily these hearts rust just as iron rusts” Somebody asked, “Then what is its remedy?” The Holy Prophet (saww) replied, “Recitation of Quran”. (Kanzul-‘Ummaal)
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, “The vaccine of Imaan (faith) is the recitation of Quran”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
It is also highly desired and recommended that a Muslim should strive to memorise the chapters and verses of the Holy Quran.
“No indeed! These (verses of Quran) are a reminder. So let anyone who wishes remember it. In honoured scriptures, exalted and purified, in the hands of the envoys (scribes), noble and pious”. (80:12-16)
Imam Ja’ffar as-Sadiq (as) has said, “One who memorises Quran and acts upon it shall be with (its) envoys (or scribes) who are noble and pious”.
(Bihar al-Anwaar)
The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, “One whom Allah has blessed with memorisation of His book (Quran) and such a person thinks that somebody else has been blessed more than him, then he is ungrateful for the greatest blessing”. (Kanzul-‘Ummaal)
He (saww) has also said, “One in whose breast (heart) there is nothing from Quran is like a house that has become a ruin”. (Kanzul-‘Ummaal)
The Holy Quran is the book of Allah (SWT). He (SWT) has sent it for the guidance of mankind. Therefore, it should not be considered as an ordinary book and treated in that manner.
In order to accord the Quran with highest degree of respect and to derive maximum benefits from it, Islam has laid down some etiquette that has to be observed while handling and using this divine book.
One who intends to open the Holy Quran and read from its verses should observe the following rules:
“This is indeed a noble Quran, in a guarded book. No one touches it except the pure ones. Gradually sent down from the Lord of the worlds”. (56:77-80)
Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (‘a) said: "Having the Greatness of the Creator in your mind would make you realize the insignificance of the creatures in your view."
Nahjul-Balagha, Statement 129
Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (‘a) said: "Blessed is he who sincerely devotes the entirety of his actions, knowledge, love, hatred, receiving, relinquishing, speech, silence, deeds, and statements absolutely to Allah."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 77, p. 289
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: "The heart is the sanctuary of Allah, therefore, do not settle therein anything but Allah (The sacred place of the heart belongs to and Him alone. Therefore, keep the love of the world out of it.)
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 70, p. 25
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: "Our true followers are those who, when they are alone, remember Allah abundantly." (That is, they avoid committing vices in private where there is no barrier for them to commit sin by the mere remembrance of Allah.)
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 93, p. 162
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: "By Allah, He, the Exalted, expects of people but two traits: that they confess for Him the blessings in order that He increases His bounties for them; and that they make confessions about their evil actions and then He forgives those sins for them."
Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 426
Imam Husayn ibn ‘Ali (‘a) said: "Verily, Allah, the Exalted, has not created human beings except for recognizing Him and worshipping Him as (the consequence of) knowing Him; and when they worship Him they would lack the need of adoring any human being (or things) other than Him because of that worship."
Safinat-ul-Bihar, vol. 2, p. 180
The fourth Imam, ‘Ali ibn Husayn (‘a) said: "There is no destruction (Hell) for a believer having three qualities:
Confessing that there is no god besides Allah, the One Who has no partner; the intercession of the Messenger of Allah and the vastness of the Grace of Allah.
Safinat-ul-Bihar, p. 517
Scientific research on zamzam water and the effect of Quranic verses on water.
Zikr ke asarath Moulana Ali Murtuza - Urdu
Tasbihate arba ke faide - Urdu