Posted by Mustafa Abbas on July 24, 2024 | Views: 197 | Ratings: 82
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Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf):
The example of a believer is like that of a bee; if it eats, it eats what is pure, and if it produces, it produces what is pure.
[Kanz al-Ummal: 735]
Eating Fruits Correctly
Some people say that they experience stomach pain after eating just one apple. They should not blame the apple because it is their digestive system that has become impaired due to excessive consumption of cooked and unhealthy foods.
Dr. Ragnar Berg, who was commissioned by the German medical community to study the acid-alkaline balance of the body, explained how much alkaline substances should be consumed to maintain this balance. He explained his findings as follows: "You need to consume seventy percent alkaline substances to maintain this balance."
Well, now consider for yourself what most people eat. Eighty to ninety percent of common foods are acid-producing. In the past, fried foods were only eaten on special days, but now consuming excessively fatty sausage and cheese sandwiches every week is a certainty. Really, if there were no meat-based meals for just one day, what would these people do for seven days?!.....
Rules for Eating Fruits:
1. Always eat fruit on an empty stomach. Mixing it with other foods is
dangerous and causes fermentation and bloating in the digestive system. The
fermentation and bloating caused by fruit sugars lead to an increased heartbeat,
pressure on the diaphragm, and expansion of the digestive system. In this state,
you turn into a small alcohol factory. The carbon dioxide gas produced from the
fermentation of materials in the digestive system puts pressure on your heart
and destroys its cells, which is the major cause of heart disease. Never eat fruits
with a short digestion time after foods that take a long time to digest because the
passage of the fruit through the stomach is delayed, leading to fermentation and
Know that only the sugar from fruits (glucose) provides energy for the body and brain. Neither protein nor starches can directly supply energy to the body or brain because they must first be converted into glucose before being used by cells and tissues.
In my first book, "Fat and Sick or Thin and Healthy," I explained that starchy foods like grains and potatoes contain so much starch, especially when cooked, that the minerals become inorganic. The body cannot burn them but instead stores them, particularly cooked calcium-rich foods that lack the calcium supplement magnesium. The body is forced to store this unnatural calcium in the soft tissues, resulting in muscle stiffness. Fruits quickly provide energy to the body without depleting stored energy.....
He also writes, "Do you know why you have heart trouble? Our dear doctor, who is 116 years old, explained the cause of heart disease in detail in his 1985 book *You Can Be Young Again*. He says he does not pay attention to days and calendars, and aging means nothing to him. At 116 years old, he still visits his patients by bicycle. He is the best role model for us fruit eaters. We do not deal with diseases here; rather, our lifestyle is incorrect. If we correct these mistakes, diseases will naturally be resolved and disappear on their own. We can never cure a disease, but we can heal a sick body, and this is possible when we organize our diet."
Another physician, in his book "Healing Fruits," writes that the minerals and acids found in fruits are completely different from those produced in laboratories. While chemists might be able to create an apple or orange in a lab, it would be entirely different from the natural version because it lacks the life force. We should only consume natural minerals and vitamins, as lab-produced elements are dead, unnatural, and toxic...
The natural acid in fruits cleanses and heals the overly acidic and diseased bodies of people who have become overly acidic due to consuming acid-producing foods cooked in pots, especially lemon juice.
Most doctors fear that if people become aware of this, their profession will suffer. Let me give you two interesting examples. During World War I, a German warship whose crew was suffering from scurvy was forced to stop at an American port. This disease had paralyzed the entire crew, but after consuming lemons at the port, they became healthy again and continued their journey. The second example is about workers who were employed to build a railway line between Brazil and Bolivia. They were fed daily with bread and jam, butter and sugar, meat, and enough coffee. As a result of this diet, all four thousand of them died, and today there is a cemetery...
Thousands of monkeys in tropical regions eat tropical fruits and live healthy and happy lives. Only humans have trapped themselves with white bread, coffee, jam, and the like. Blind and foolish, we spend our days in pain and sighs, wondering why we are not healthy. Today, even doctors themselves are getting cancer, but how much is common sense worth?...
We must strive to keep the blood always alkaline. Otherwise, we will die. Blood acidity is the beginning of death, while its alkalinity means health; however, excessive alkalinity is the beginning of cancer. Our body constantly tries to maintain an alkaline environment and controls this state. To do this, it uses all its alkaline substances in the defense system. If, in this state where the body is overstimulated to keep its environment alkaline, we mistakenly further acidify it with other acid-producing chemicals (drugs) due to ignorance, it can lead to excessive alkalinity, resulting in cancer....
Some common medications, like aspirin, disrupt the alkaline-acidic balance of the blood. Aspirin is a painkiller, but once its effect wears off, the headache can return more severely because aspirin makes the blood more acidic. Nowadays, aspirin is given to patients to thin the blood, which further acidifies the blood environment. I could write for hours on this subject, but I don't want to bore or tire you too much. Just know that whatever you've read about the acidity of fruits...
Those who are concerned about antacids for the stomach frequently offer substances containing alkaline salts, which are not natural. This unnatural alkali, prescribed to neutralize the acidic environment of the stomach (like Maxol), actually causes the stomach to produce more acid. This is because the stomach thinks it needs to produce more acid to neutralize the alkaline substance (Maxol)....
Excerpts from Farsi translated book
"If you want to stay healthy and live a long life, forget the pot!
— Helmut Wandmaker
— Seyed Mashallah Farokhande (Kashfi)"
donwload pdf pages from book translated from Farsi below:
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