Posted by Mustafa Abbas on June 27, 2014 | Views: 986 | Ratings: 564
Some important events of this month are as follows:
7th Death of Hazrat Abu Talib(as) (possible date)
10th Death of Hazrat Khadija(as)
11th Moakhat - Brotherhood between Muhajireen and Ansaar
13th, 14th
and 15th Ayyam-e-Bayz - the bright days
15th Birth of Imam Hasan(as) - the 2nd Holy Imam -
(3 AH)
17th Victory at Battle of Badr - (2 AH)
19th Evening - First probable night of Qadr -
19th Shab-e-Zarbat - Imam Ali(as) got injured in attack during prayers (40 AH)
20th Conquest of Makkah (8 AH)
21st Evening - Second probable night of Qadr -
21st Shahadat of Imam Ali(as) - (40 AH)
23rd Evening - Third probable night of Qadr -
27th Evening - Another probable night of Qadr -
28th September - Jumatul Wida - last Friday of
Ramazan-ul-Mubarak - International day of Quds
Inshallah separate detail emails will be sent on each occasion during this month.
Welcoming the holy month of Ramazan
Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) says that the month of Ramaz?n was nearing and three days of Shabaan were left when the Holy Prophet(sawaw) told Bilal(ra) to call people to him. When people came, then Holy Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa(sawaw) mounted the pulpit and praised and glorified Allah . Then he said, “The month, which you are going to have now is supreme among all other months. There is a night in this month, which is better than a thousand months. The doors of Hell are closed in this month and the doors of Paradise are opened. One who is not forgiven in this month – Allah also distances him. Similarly, a person has parents and is not able to get himself forgiven Allah distances him. One who does not recite Salawat when my name is mentioned in front of him, his salvation is not possible and Allah distances him.”
[Reference: Sawaabul Aamaal page 98]
Special duas during Ramazan
Special duas to be recited during the forthcoming Ramazan have been added at These include:
1) Duas on the advent of Ramazan to be recited upon sighting the moon.
2) Common duas to be recited in each night of Ramazan.
3) Dua-e-Sahar
4) Duas after every wajib prayer during Ramazan.
5) Duas for each day of Ramazan.
6) Duas in the last 10 nights of Ramazan.
7) Aamal of Shab-e-Qadr
Arabic Text, Urdu translation, transliteration, English translation and Audio recitation of almost all the above duas are available.
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