Ziyarath Of Messenger of Allah : English Translation

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 13, 2014 | Views: 841 | Ratings: 593

Peace be on you,

O Messenger of Allah. Peace be on you,

O Prophet of Allah. Peace be on you,

O Muhammad son of Abdillah. Peace be on you,

O the seal of Prophets. I bear witness that you carried and delivered the Message,

established the prayers,

paid the prescribed alms,

directed to do what is lawful,

forbade not to do what is unlawful,

devotedly worshipped and served Allah,

till the inevitable came unto you. Blessings and mercy of Allah be

on you and on your pure children. I bear witness that there is no God save Allah,

the One who has no associate.

I bear witness that Muhammad

is His bondman and Messenger,

I bear witness that verily you are the Messenger of Allah,

and you are Muhammad son of Abdullah.

I bear witness

that you carried and, delivered the Message of your Lord,

gave sincere advise to your followers,

strived in the way of Allah,

worshipped and served Allah,

with wisdom and good counsel,

that which was entrusted to you from the True God

has been pronounced by you,

you were kind unto the faithfuls,

but severely dealt with the infidels. So Allah raised you

to the noblest and

the most celebrated position, Praise be to Allah that He saved

us, through you, from "giving

partners to Allah", and from going astry, O Allah, therefore,

Thy blessings,

blessings of Thy favourite Angels,

commissioned Prophets,

pious servants,

and the dwellers of the heavens

and the earths,

and those who glorify Thee, O Lord of the worlds,

from the beginning

to the end,

be on Muhammad, Thy bondman,





sincere friend,

preferred choice,

and goodness,

Thou Thyself chose

from among all that

which has been created by Thee.

O Allah elevate him to the highest rank,

make him the means of approach

let him reach and stay at the praised position to the Paradise,

(so that) the ancients and the

moderns find his position enviable. O Allah Thou has said:

"And if, when they had wronged themselves,

they had but come unto you

and asked forgiveness of the Messenger,

they would

have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful."

I seek your forgiveness,

repentant of my wrongdoing,

and, through you, direct myself towards Allah,

my Lord and your Lord,

for obtaining pardon for me.

0 Allah send blessings on

Muhammad for the reason that

he carried and sustained Thy revelation,

and delivered Thy Message;

send blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that he prescribed

Thy lawful and proscribed Thy unlawful,

and taught Thy Booksend blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that he established the prayers

and gave the obligatory alms,

and invited unto Thy Religionsend blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that he proved the truth of Thy covenant

and reminded people to beware of Thy warning; send blessings on Muhammad for

the reason that Thou forgives sins,

covers shortcomings, alleviates

suffering, through him; Send blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that Thou wards off misery

and impudence, dispels sorrows,

accepts supplications,

and keeps safe from misfortunes, through him; Send blessings on Muhammad for

the reason that Thou took pity on mankind,

made barren lands grow fertile,

put asunder the tyrants,

and destroyed the dictators through him; send blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that Thou multiplied provisions,

provided refuge when terror reigned supreme,

wrecked and uprooted the offensive loathsome forces of idolatory,

and kept mankind covered with Thy mercy through him; Send blessings on Muhammad

for the reason that Thou sent him with the best of creeds,

made faith strong,

demolished the idols,

glorified the Holy Kaa'bah through him; send blessings and absolute peace on Muhammad

and on his pure and pious children.

Peace be on you,

0 Messenger of Allah.

I leave you with Allah,

I request you to pay attention to me,

I say "peace be on you", I believe in Allah,

and in that which you brought,

and in that to which you guided. 0 Allah let not my this visitation

to the grave of Thy Prophet

be the last such occasion.

If I am to die before I come here again,

then I, in the event of my death,

bear witness to that which I

used to testify in my lifetime,

that there is no god save Thou,

and that Muhammad is Thy bondman

and Thy Messenger, blessings of Allah be on him and his children.