13th Rajab - Birth anniversary of Imam Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(as)

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on May 03, 2015 | Views: 1759 | Ratings: 971

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Miracle still seen Mark of Wall of Kaba, which gave way to Mother of Imam Ali as, Fatima Binte Asad on his(as) birth.

13th of Rajab – Wiladat of Maula-e-Kainaat, Imam-ul-Muttaqeen, Ameer-ul-Momineen, Wali-Allah, Sher-e-Khuda and the 1st Holy Imam, Imam Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(as). He is the only person in the history to have been born inside the Kaaba in Makkah. He was born in the 30th year of the Elephant (10 years before the declaration of Nabuwwat).

On this occasion of happiness in the house of Ahl-e-Bait(as), I wish to extend my felicitations and greetings to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(atfs), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all the Momineen and Mominaat.

Allah(swt) says in the Holy Quran – Sura 5 (Al-Maaeda) Ayat 55 – “Only Allah is your Vali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.” (Translation by Shakir Ali). Muslim scholars of all sects are unanimous that this ayat was sent by Allah(swt) in praise of Imam Ali(as) and primarily based on this ayat, the Shias believe in the wilayat of Imam Ali(as).

Historial aspect of the birth of Imam Ali(as)

Since it is the birth of the Holy Imam(as), I wanted to reflect on the historical aspect of his birth.

When Imam Ali(as) was about to be born, his mother Janab Fatima bint-e-Asad went to the Holy Kaaba and touched herself with its wall and prayed to Allah(swt) in the following words which are recorded in all important books of history: "O Allah, I firmly believe in you, your prophets and your books. I bear testimony to my ancestor Ibrahim(as)’s prophethood. I beseech you through this house of yours, its constructor and the child who is in my womb, make this problem very easy for me". At once, the wall of Kaaba split and Bibi Fatima bint-e-Asad entered the Kaaba and the wall got back to its original position. Just imagine, a pregnant women whose child is about to be born stayed inside the Kaaba for 3 days and 3 nights apparently without food and water – not so - for sure food and water must have been provided to her by divine methods by Allah(swt), just like Allah(swt) made food available for Hazrat Maryam(as) when the doors were locked from outside (Sura Nisa).

After failing to open the door of Kaaba for 3 days, the people witnessed the unexpected – the wall of Kaaba got split again and Bibi Fatima bint-e-Asad came out with a new born child in her hands (Please also look at the image I have on the main page on my site http://www.ziaraat.com which depicts that very moment).

Fatima bint-e-Asad called for Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) and said to him that her child had not spoken a word, has not cried and not even opened his eyes since birth for 3 days now. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), with a smile on his face, took Imam Ali(as) in his hands and put his tongue in the mouth of Imam Ali(as). Sensing the tongue of Risalat, the child immediately opened his eyes and said "As-salam-o-alaika ya Rasool Allah (Peace be upon you O Prophet of Allah!)". The prophet replied to him “Wa alaikas Salam-o ya Wali Allah” and asked him why he had not opened his eyes until now. Imam Ali(as) replied "How could I open my eyes in this world and see the idols placed in the Kaaba before seeing your face". Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), with a smile on his face, said “Ya Ali(as) you had reserved your eyes exclusively for me and I am reserving my knowledge exclusively for you”.

After this, Imam Ali(as) recited from all the four divine books of Allah(swt). From the Holy Quran, he recited the first 11 verses of Sura al-Mominoon which start with “Qad Aflahal Mominoon” – Successful indeed are the believers – indicating that the Maula of momineen had arrived and hence believers in him are successful. Note that Quran was not yet revealed yet but the chosen people of Allah(swt) are given special authority and knowledge.

Phenomena of a new-born child talking

It might be confusing or difficult for some people to believe a new-born child talking. Please bear in mind that ours is the Prophet(sawaw) on whose hands even the stones started reciting Kalma, and in this case, it was the child of a human being.

Please also bear in mind that in the Quran Allah(swt) states that when Hazrat Isa(as) was born, he was brought to the people of bani Israeel and they questioned his mother Mariam(as) about him. On the orders from Allah(swt), Mariam(as) pointed out at the new born child for an answer and immediately Hazrat Isa(as) started talking and said – I quote from Sura Mariam (19:30) "He said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet;" (Translation by Shakir Ali). This is the way Allah(swt) shows his qudrat (power/control) and bestows his chosen representatives with special abilities and moajzas (miracles). Likewise also recall the child who, from the cradle, gave testimony in favour of Hazar Yousuf(as) in his case versus Zulaikha.

Some ahadees about Imam Ali(as)

Our beloved Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) has praised Imam Ali(as) on numerous occasions and has given him various titles. Some of the Prophet’s(sawaw) sayings about him(as) are as follows:

(1) Of whomsoever am I Maula (master), Ali(as) is his/her Maula (master) as well. O allah(swt) keep love with the one who loves him(as) and keep enmity with the one who keeps enmity with him(as)

(2) I am the city of Knowledge and Ali(as) is its gate. Whoever wants to get knowledge should come to its gate.

(3) I am from Ali(as) and Ali(as) is from Me.

(4) Allah(swt) has created me and Ali(as) from the same one Noor.

(5) Ali(as) is Kull-e-Imaan (Total Faith)

(6) Ali(as) is to me as Haroon(as) was to Moosa(as)

(7) Ali(as) is the distributor of Paradise and Hell.

(8) Ali(as) is my brother in the world and hereafter.

(9) Looking at Ali’s(as) face is Ibadaah.

(10) Talking about Ali(as) in your gatherings and meetings is Ibadaah.

(11) Keeping love of Ali(as) in ones heart is Ibadaah.

(12) Ali(as) is with Quran and Quran is with Ali(as)

(13) Ali(as) is with Haqq (truth) and Haqq is with Ali(as) – O Allah(swt) turn Haqq in the same direction in which Ali(as) turns.

(14) Ali(as) will lead his Shias (followers, believers, friends) on the day of judgement.

(15) O Ali(as), you and your Shias are the people of paradise.

(16) One who keeps enmity and jealously with Ali(as) will never enter paradise.

(17) The example of Ali(as) is like the example of Kaaba. (my comments: Remember that in the quran Allah(swt) states that Kaaba is the guide of momineen)

(18) O Ali(a.s), your body is my body, O Ali(as) your flesh is my flesh, O Ali(as) your blood is my blood, O Ali(as) your soul is my soul.

(19) The one who loves Ali(as) loves me and the one who loves me loves Allah(swt); the one who is jealous of Ali(as) is jealous of me and the one who was jealous of me is jealous of Allah(swt).

(20) Obedience of Ali(as) is my obedience and his(as) disobedience is my disobedience.

(21) Every Prophet has a Wasi and Waris and my Waris and Wasi is Ali(as).

(22) On the day of Dawat-zul-Asheera (the first ever Dawah in Islam) Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) declared “The one who accepts my messages and helps me today will be my Wasi, my Wazir and my Khalifa after me”.

(All historical references mention that Imam Ali(as) was the only one to accept the message and help the Prophet(sawaw). This was the first explicit hadith of Wilayat and Wisayat of Imam Ali(as) on the very first day when the message of Islam was announced by the Prophet(sawaw))

Note: All these ahadith have been quoted with varying wording from renowned books of our Ahlus-Sunnah brothers.


Imam Ali - The Gateway to knowledge.




Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.





