Posted by Mustafa Abbas on May 01, 2014 | Views: 1969 | Ratings: 593
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Wiladat Imam Mohammad Baqir speech Moulana Agha Munnawar Ali (urdu)
1st of Rajab 1435 AH - birth anniversary of the 5th Holy Imam, Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) in the year 57AH
On this occasion of happiness in the house of Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), I wish to extend my felicitations and greetings to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(as), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all the Momineen and Mominaat.
Please recite Ziarat of Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) and Ziarat-e-Jamea (links in the right hand menu) and offer nazrana on this occasion to renew your allegiance to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) and his Ahl-e-Bait(as).
You may call it a coincidence or a special arrangement from Allah(swt) that Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) is the fifth Holy Imam and the seventh Masoom (infallible) and his year of birth was 57AH and his age was 57 years as well. Also he is the first Imam whose name was Muhammad(as) - the same as that of his grand-father Prophet Muhammad(sawaw).
Presentations about Imam Muhammad Baqir(as)
Please see the right column for special presentations
Knowledge of Imam Muhammad Baqir(as)
Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) gave some very informative answers to some of the most difficult questions from his disciples and others. Some of them are reproduced here:
Question: Which was the Roza (fasting) in which eating and drinking was permitted?
Answer: The Roza (fast) that Hazrat Mariam(as) observed in which she abandoned talking only.
Question: What decreases and never increases with time?
Answer: Age[that is life – left on this Earth]
Question: What increases and never decreases?
Answer: Water of the ocean.
Question: What was raised in the sky only once?
Answer: The mountain of Toor which was raised above Bani-Israel only once and then put down.
Question: Who are the people whose true testimony was declared a lie?
Answer: These are the munafiqeen (hypocrites) whose testimony that “Prophet is the messenger of God” was not accepted and they were declared liars by Allah(swt).
Question: When was one third of the mankind killed?
Answer: Never – however one fourth of mankind was killed when Qabeel murdered Habeel. At that time, the whole mankind consisted of 4 persons only.
Question: You Muslims believe that the food and drinks of Jannah will not cause necessity to urinate and pass stool. Is there any example of this in this world?
Answer: Yes there is. The child inside the womb of the mother gets fed without the necessity to urinate or pass stool.
Question: Who are the two people who were born at the same time and died at the same time but one was 50 years and the other was 150 years old at the time of death?
Answer: These were Prophet’s brothers Uzair(as) and Aziz(as).
Allah(swt) gave temporary death to Hazrat Uzair(as) for 100 years
and when he got back life, he died again at the same time as did Aziz so the difference in their ages was 100 years.
Sayings of Imam Muhammad Baqir(as)
Jabir narrates that Imam Abi jafer said to me "Oh Jabir does it suffice that a person claims to be Shia and that he says he loves us, the Ahlulbayt (household of the holy prophet(sawaw)? By Allah no one is our Shia except that he has piety for Allah (guard himself against sin) and obeys him.
They (shias) are not known and recognized except for their humility, modesty, fear of Allah and submission, trustworthiness and trustablity, abundance and plenty of remembrance of Allah, fasting, service, kindness to the parents, looking after the poor neighbors and afflicted people except mentioning them with goodness and beneficence and they are the trustees for their tribes in all the affairs. (Usool al kafi Vol 2 Pg 84)
Indeed, when a man earns the wealth from haram (prohibited source), no Hajj, No Umra & no strengthening of his blood kinship is never at all accepted and approved by Almighty Allah. (Biharul Anwaar Vol 75 Pg 375)
The scholar whose Knowledge is made use of & benefited from, is worthier and more virtuous than seventy thousand worshippers & adorers. (Tuhful Aqool Pg 294)
Indeed faithful is the one who, when pleased and glad his pleasure does not make him enter into sin & falsehood (He does not commit any sin while happy). And when unhappy and angry his anger does not oust him from the world of righteousness. (He does not abandon the right course) And when he gains power, his power does not make him commit excess and oression and make him go for a thing upon which he does not have any right. (Usool al kafi Vol 2 Pg 234)
Article taken from:
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.