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Noor ki Anjuman Fatima (a.s.)
Hadiths about Fatima Zahra (as) Arabic (urdu).
20th Jamdi-us-Sani 1436 AH - Birth anniversary of the leader of the women of the world and paradise and the only daughter of Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) – Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa).
On this occasion of happiness in the household of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), I wish to felicitate the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(as), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and all Momineen and Mominaat.
Fatima(sa) The Radiant
Imam Hasan Askari(as) reported that his father quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as saying : “The Messenger of Allah, Peace be Upon him and his immaculate progeny, said : 'When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted through paradise and said : ' Who are better than us ?' . At that moment they noticed an image of a girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes. They said : ' O Lord, what is this ? ' He answered : ' This is the image of Fatima(sa), the mistress of your women descendants. '
(Lisan Al Mizan Volume 3 page 346)
Other titles of Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa)
Az-Zehra: She was named by Allah(swt), as Az-Zehra because her Holy Light used to shine among those brighter in all The Heavens.
Batool: Because of her absolute purity attained from Paradise from the Heavens. Also because, The Lady Fatimah Zehra, is not like all the other women in the world.
Siddiqah: The Honest, The Righteous
Al-Mubarakah: The Blessed One
Al-Tahirah: The Virtuous, The Pure
Al-Zakiyah: The Chaste, The Unblemished
Al-Radhiatul Mardhiah: She who is gratified and who shall be satisfied
Al-Muhaddathah: A person other than a Prophet, that the angels speak to
Al-Zahirah: The Luminous
The Holy Prophet(sawaw), her Father, loved her very much. Whenever she would go to the house of her father The Holy Prophet(sawaw) would stand up out of respect to her. Whenever he greeted her he would honor her by giving her a special place to seat herself in his house. Very often Her Father(sawaw) would softly kiss her hands and say, "Allah, The Most High; is pleased when Fatimah(as) is pleased. He is angered; whenever Fatimah is angered!"
He(sawaw) also said: "Fatima is part of me. Whoever angers her angers me and whoever angers me angers Allah."
Probably the most important ayat revealed in Quran about the sinlessness of her and the family of the Holy Prophet(sawaw) is the following:
"...Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! To purify you a (thorough) purifying" - Sura Ahzab (33:33) translation by M.M.Shakir.
Her birth
A tradition in the book Amali from Sheikh Sadooq related through Imam Jafer Sadiq(as) states that Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa) is the only women in the entire history who used to talk to her mother (Hazrat Khadija(sa)) from inside the womb before her wiladat.
Sheikh Salman Hanafi writes in his book “Yanabi al-Mawadah” that at the time of birth of Hazrat Fatima(sa), her mother Hazrat Khadija(as) called some women of Quraish for help but they all refused because of her acceptance of Islam. Hazrat Khadija(as) was worried but in a little while four women came to her and after salutation they said that she does not need to worry. They were her sisters and Allah(swt) has sent them to her in this difficult time. The first lady said that she was Sara, the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim(as). The second one said that she was Aasia binte Mazahim, wife of Firoun. The third said that she was Maryam binte Imran, mother of Hazrat Eisa(as) and the fourth said that she was Kulsoom, the sister of Hazrat Moosa(a.s).
Nasikh-ut-Tawarikh states that Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa) was born on 20th Jamadi-us-Sani on Friday early morning. The was so much light in that early morning that all houses of Makkah became lit up. Upon birth Hazrat Fatima(sa) performed sajda and recited the Kalma.
Her birth
One day the Holy Lady Fatimah Al-Zehra(sa) was taught by her Father, the Holy Prophet(sawaw), a very special kind of Prayer that he himself was shown earlier by The Trusted Archangel Jibrael(as).
This special After-Prayer is to be said after each time, any Prayer as part of Salaat is concluded.
The Holy Lady(sa) in turn began to teach the short Prayer to so many others that in the very short time, it became to be known as the 'Prayer[Tasbeeh] of Fatimah Al-Zahra(sa).
This prayer consists of recitation as follows:
Most or if not all of the Mujtahideen express a great Mustahab
(preferable) as near to as Wajib (compulsory) to say this Prayer after any Prayer of Worship is concluded.
Aisha, wife of Prophet (pbuh) said: "I have never seen anyone as similar to the Prophet in his mannerisms, including sitting, talking and his attitude, than Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. When she used to come in, he used to stand up to greet and kiss her and used to make her, sit in his sitting place. As well as this, when the Prophet used to visit her she used to stand up to greet and kiss him and used to ask him to sit in her sitting place."
Al Nisa’i, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on virtues of Fatima, Volume (5/96), Hadith (8396); Al Tirmidhi, Sunan, a book of virtues, Volume (5/700) Hadith, (3872); Abu Dawood, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on standing up and greeting the visitor, Volume (2/776), Hadith (5217); Ibn Hibaan, Sahih, Volume (15/403); Al Hakim, Al Mustadrak, Volume (4/303). Also, see Al Tirmidhi, Volume (3/241).
Fatima Zahra (sa), the lady of light.
Aisha said:
I have never seen anyone as similar to the Prophet in his mannerisms, including sitting, talking and his attitude, than Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. When she used to come in, he used to stand up to greet and kiss her and used to make her, sit in his sitting place. As well as this, when the Prophet used to visit her she used to stand up to greet and kiss him and used to ask him to sit in her sitting place .
Al Nisa’i, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on virtues of Fatima, Volume (5/96), Hadith (8396); Al Tirmidhi, Sunan, a book of virtues, Volume (5/700) Hadith, (3872); Abu Dawood, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on standing up and greeting the visitor, Volume (2/776), Hadith (5217); Ibn Hibaan, Sahih, Volume (15/403); Al Hakim, Al Mustadrak, Volume (4/303). Also, see Al Tirmidhi, Volume (3/241).
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.