Posted by Mustafa Abbas on May 24, 2014 | Views: 2008 | Ratings: 623
How strong are you? Clip on the importance of controlling your anger.
Biography of Imam Kazim (as) by Dr. Syed Ammar Nakshawani (a must see)
Imam Moosa Kazim(as)
His birth
Imam Jafer Sadiq(as) went to Hajj along with his family in 127 Hijri and on the way back at the site of Abwa Imam Moosa Kazim(as) was born on the 7th of Safar in 128 Hijri. His mother Bibi Hameeda Khatoon says that after Imam Kazim(as) was born, he raised his head towards the sky and recited the Shahadatain – the 3 testimonies – which was the tradition among all Masoomeen(as). On his right shoulder was engraved the Ayat “waTammat kalimatu labbika sidqan wa adlan” (Al-Anaam 6:115).
Political conditions during his life
Imam Musa al-Kazim(as) lived under the most crucial times in the regimes of the despotic Abbasid kings who were marked for their tyrannical and cruel administration . He was born during the rule of Marwan. After his death the first ruler of bani-Abbas named Saffah ruled from 132 to 136 Hijri. Al-Mansur ad-Dawaniqi ruled between 136 and 158 Hijri during which he martyred Imam Jafer Sadiq(as) in 148 Hijri and so the Imamate of Imam Moosa Kazim(as) began when he was just 20 years of age. Al-Mahdi al-Abbasi ruled from 158 to 169 Hijri and finally Harun ar-Rashid ascended the throne in 170 Hijra. Al-Mansur and Harun ar-Rashid were the despotic kings who put a multitude of innocent descendants of the Holy Prophet(sawaw) to the sword . Thousands of these martyrs were buried alive inside walls or put into horrible dark prisons during their lifetime. These depraved rulers knew no pity or justice and they killed and tortured for the pleasure they derived from human sufferings.
The Holy Imam(as) was saved from the tyranny of al-Mansur al-Abbasi because the king , being occupied with his project of constructing the new city of Baghdad, could not get time to turn towards victimising the Imam. By 157 AH the city of Baghdad was built. This was soon followed by the death of its founder a year later. After al-Mansur, his son al-Mahdi ascended the throne. For a few years he remained indifferent towards the Imam(as). When in 164 Hijri he came to Medina and heard about the great reputation of the Imam, he could not resist his jealousy and the spark of his ancestral malice against the Ahl-al-Bayt(as) was rekindled. He somehow managed to take the Imam(as) along with him to Baghdad and got him imprisoned there. But after a year he realised his mistake and released the Imam(as) from jail. Al-Mahdi was succeeded by al-Hadi who lived only for a year.
Now, in 170 AH, the most cruel and tyrannical king Harun ar-Rashid appeared at the head of the Abbasid Empire. It was during his reign that the Holy Imam(as) passed the greater part of his life in a miserable prison till he was poisoned. Harun had the Imam(as) arrested in the Prophet's(sawaw) mosque whilst the Imam was praying. He was handcuffed and shackled and sent to Basra. Imam(as) was put into prison under the custody of Isa bin Ja'fer. After a year Isa wrote to Harun saying he could no longer imprison Imam(as) as he could find only piety and righteousness in him.
Harun had the Imam(as) moved to Baghdad under the custody of Fadhl bin Rabi who too became a follower of Imam(as). The prisons were so small that there was no room to stand and the food was a cup of water and two pieces of dry bread a day. Imam(as) remained patient. Harun finally moved the Imam(as) in the care of Sindi bin Shahak - a very cruel man. Imam remained in prison for a total of 19 years of his life. He was imprisoned without any communication with his followers of relatives for the last 14 years of his life.
These 19 years of imprisonment gave the Shia population a little relief as the rulers concentrated on the Imam(as). It enabled the Shias to disperse from Arabia to Iran, India etc. thus spreading Islam and it was one of the factors towards the popularity of the 8th Imam.
His Martyrdom
In 179 AH, Harun ar-Rashid visited Medina. The fire of malice and jealousy against the Ahl-e-bait(as) was kindled in his heart when he saw the great influence and popularity which the Holy Imam(as) enjoyed amongst the people there. He got the Imam(as) arrested while he was busy in prayer at the tomb of the Holy Prophet(sawaw).
On the 25th of Rajab 183 AH, he got the Imam(as) martyred by poison inside the prison when Imam(as)’s age was 55. Even his corpse was not spared humiliation and was taken out of the prison and left on the Bridge of Baghdad. When Harun Rashid's brother Sulayman heard of this he was furious and arranged for his burial in a Quraysh cemetery outside Baghdad (the 8th Imam gave ghusl and kafan). A town grew around the tomb of Imam called Kadhmain (meaning the two Kadhims) since the 9th Imam is also buried there.
Salam of Imam Moosa Kazim(as)
Baghdad ke ik pul pe kharra soch raha hoon
Masoom qabilay ki khata soch raha hoon
kabhi khanjar, kabhi talwar, kabhi zehr ki surat
Saadaat(as) ko kia ajar mila soch raha hoon
Hay Pul Pe rasan basta para Lasha-e-Kazim
Islam sikhany ka sila soch raha hoon
Socho to wo thi Lasha-e-Kazim k liye bhi
Goonji thi jo HAL MIN ki sada soch raha hoon
Lanat hay bohat choti Saqeefay k liye to
Me lafz koi is se barra soch raha hoon
Article from Ziaraat.Com
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.