Posted by Mustafa Abbas on December 26, 2014 | Views: 1959 | Ratings: 1318
Imam Hasan shahadath farsi latmiya
28th Safar - Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hasan(as) and Prophet Mohammad(sawaw)
Historical aspects
These are two very sad events in the Islamic History. The Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) had a very difficult time during his last days when he was constantly disturbed by the shouting and quarrelling people around him, which caused great suffering and discomfort. He had to ask them to leave him alone and go away. He asked the sahabas present there to bring him paper and pen so he could write instructions for them so they would not go astray after him. A group a Sahabas lead by the second caliph said that Prophet(sawaw) has lost his sanity and was overtaken with severe pain due to his illness. They quarrelled with the others and did not bring anything to the Prophet(sawaw) to write despite his instructions. The Prophet(sawaw) got so frustrated with them that he ordered them to leave him alone.
Probably the most troublesome aspect of the wisal of the Prophet(sawaw) was the event of his namaz-e-janaza. Imam Ali(as) led the prayers and only a handful of true followers of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) were present while the rest of the prominent Sahabas were absent. They preferred to leave the dead body of the Prophet(sawaw) without the Namaaz e Janaza and burial to enable them to go to Saqifa bani Saeda to distribute the Khilafat.
Shahadat of Imam Hasan(as)
The history of the shahadat of Imam Hasan(as) is no less treacherous. Imam Hasan(as) had a wife named Jada binte Ashas bin Qais. She was bribed to poison the Imam(as) by Moawiya on promise of a handsome amount of cash and marriage with his son Yazeed(laeen). She poisoned Imam Hasan(as) in milk with a poison called “Hilahil.” While Imam Hasan(as) drank it, his liver was torn apart and its pieces fell into the milk pot. Jada was ditched by Moawiya saying that when she could conspire against a person such as Imam Hasan(as), she could do that with anyone so he would not marry his son to her. She was eventually thrown into a river on Moawiya’s orders.
After his martyrdom, despite his will, he was not allowed to be buried close to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) by a group of Sahabas of Bani-Ummaya tribe lead by a wife of the Prophet(sawaw). The shias of Imam Ali(as) tried to take his janaza several times to the Hujra of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) for burial but were unsuccessful. In the final effort, the janaza was attacked by arrows and according to a tradition, 70 arrows pierced in the dead body of Imam Hasan(as). Finally he had to be buried in the darkness of the night in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
A few words of masaib
On the 28th of Safar in 50th AH, Imam Hasan(as) visited the grave of his mother and his grandfather(sawaw). When Imam Hasan(as) returned home in the evening, he knew of the intentions of Jada binte Ashas. He asked her to bring milk and do what she had in her mind. As soon as Imam Hasan(as) drank a little bit of the milk, the poison started taking its effect and the pieces of his liver came out of his mouth.
Seeing this, his other wife Umm-e-Farwa – the mother of Hazrat Qasim(as) - rushed towards him. It was already night and she was very worried. She asked Qasim to go and inform the sisters of Imam Hasan(as). Qasim was only about 3 or 4 years old so he asked how could he tell them what had happened. Umm-e-Farwa told him that his condition would tell all the story. She tore off his dress, took off his little turban and poured mud in his hair. Then asked him to go to the nearby house of Bibi Zainab(sa) and Bibi Umm-e-Kulsoom(sa).
The daughters of Imam Ali(as) were preparing for namaz-e-shab when Qasim(as) knocked on the door. When they saw him in this state, they started weeping and asked him what had happened. Qasim(as) told them that his father is in his last moments in this world. They were the daughters of Imam Ali(as) so they could guess the events that had taken place. They hurriedly reached the house of Imam Hasan(as). Imam(as) asked Bibi Umm-e-Farwa to hide the milk pot so his sisters would not see his blood in it. Daughters of Imam Ali(as) said please don’t hide the pieces of our brother from us, we have come to collect them in our chador.
Imam Hasan(as) appointed Imam Hussain(as) as the next Imam by the will of Allah(swt) in front of a gathering of all his relatives. He asked Imam Hussain(as) to try to bury him next to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) but if that were not possible then not to harm anyone and bury him in Jannatul Baqi. He breathed his last in the night of 28th Safar.
Imam Hussain(as) took out the funeral procession of his brother with some of his companions but for the first time in history the janaza of a Muslim was returned without burial. It is horrific that the slain body of our Imam Hasan(as) was riddled with arrows. Both the brother Imams had arrows in their destiny – the only difference was that arrows were in the body of Imam Hasan(as) but Imam Hussain(as)’s body was on arrows.
All brothers and sisters of Imam Hasan(as) then sat together to take out the arrows one by one weeping and shouting aloud – wa Muhammada, wa Aliya, wa Hasana, wa musibata.
Ala lanatullahe alal quamiz zalimin. Wa sayalamul lazina zalamu ayya munqalabi yanqaliboon. Inna lillahe wa inna ilehe rajeoon.
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