Posted by Mustafa Abbas on April 02, 2014 | Views: 13819 | Ratings: 922
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Noor ki anjuman Fatima (a.s.)
Martyrdom of Hazrath Fatima Zahra alaihisalam with references
Moulana Ishaq on martydom of Fatima Zahara (peace be upon her) in Urdu.
Noha on lady Fatima (as) by hilali - Persian, English captions.
The 3rd Jamadi-us-Sani - According to most historical accounts, it is the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa) - the beloved and only daughter of our Prophet Mohammad(sawaw). Another date mentioned in some historical accounts is of 13th of Jamadi-ul-Awwal.
On the sad occasion of the anniversary of her martyrdom, I wish to extend my condolences to Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam Zamana(atfs), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all Momineen and Mominaat.
The Shahadat of Janabe Fatima Zehra(sa) occurred either 75 days or 95 days after the wisal of our Prophet Muhammad (sawaw). It is confirmed that 28th Safar is the day of the wisal of our Prophet Muhammad (sawaw). So, if it was 75 days assuming that Safar, Rabi al-Awwal, Rabi al-Thani, Jamadi Al-Awwal could be 30 days, so 75 days would be 13th, 14th or 15th of Jamadi Al-Awwal. And as for 95 days count, then her Shahadat falls on the 3rd Jamadi us-Sani.
Because we do not know the exact date, we have been advised to commemorate this period between 13th, 14th, 15th Jamadi Al-Awwal to 3rd Jamadi us-Sani as Ayyam-e-Fatimiya.
Sheikh Abbas Qummi(ar) mentions in Mafatihul Jinan that there are at least 2 narrations regarding the shahadat date of Bibi Fatima(sa) and aza should be observed by momineen on both these dates. As regards the shahadat of Bibi Fatima(sa), both these dates are observed in many countries especially India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and several Arab countries.
As per usual practice among the followers of Ahl-e-Bait(as), please offer nazrana and special prayers on this day. As regards the shahadat of Bibi Fatima(sa), both these dates are observed in many countries especially India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and several Arab countries.
On the sad occasion of her martyrdom anniversary, I wish to extend my condolences to Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam Zamana(as), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all Momineen and Mominaat.
Presentations about Hazrat Fatima Zehra(sa)
Please see the right column for special presentations
Online Books
Some books in Urdu/English available at the Online Library at Ziaraat.Com about Hazrat Fatima Zehra(as) are as follows:
14 Sitaray
Behar-ul-Anwaar - Vol 3 - Hazrat Fatima Zehra(as)
Fatima is Fatima
Manaqib Ahle Bait(as)
……. and many more
Click here to read them:
Aisha, wife of Prophet (pbuh) said: "I have never seen anyone as similar to the Prophet in his mannerisms, including sitting, talking and his attitude, than Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. When she used to come in, he used to stand up to greet and kiss her and used to make her, sit in his sitting place. As well as this, when the Prophet used to visit her she used to stand up to greet and kiss him and used to ask him to sit in her sitting place."
Al Nisa’i, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on virtues of Fatima, Volume (5/96), Hadith (8396); Al Tirmidhi, Sunan, a book of virtues, Volume (5/700) Hadith, (3872); Abu Dawood, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on standing up and greeting the visitor, Volume (2/776), Hadith (5217); Ibn Hibaan, Sahih, Volume (15/403); Al Hakim, Al Mustadrak, Volume (4/303). Also, see Al Tirmidhi, Volume (3/241).
The question about Fadak by Ibn Abi al-Hadid Mutazili to his teacher.
Why didn't the first caliph return Fadak to Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her)?
Ibn Abi al-Hadid Mutazili said: I asked Ali bin Farqi if Hazrat Zahra,
peace be upon her, was telling the truth about Fadak. The teacher replied: "Yes!"
I asked, then why didn't Abu Bakr return Fadak to her, while Fatima (peace be upon her) was truthful?
The teacher answered with a smile:
"If Abu Bakr would have given Fadak to her on that day, she would have come to him the next day and claimed the caliphate for her husband and removed him from his place, and he would have no
excuse to defend himself at all. He knew that by returning Fadak, he would have to accept that Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) was truthful in every claim and does not need evidence or witnesses."
Ibn Abi al-Hadid also confirms this statement.
[Sharh Nahj al-Balagha, Ibn Abi al-Hadid, vol. 16, p. 284]
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.