Posted by Mustafa Abbas on June 05, 2014 | Views: 937 | Ratings: 456
As Salam o alaikum,
The 7th of Shabaan, 1435 AH is the birth anniversary of Hazrat Qasim ibn-e-Imam Hasan(as). He was born in the 47th Hijri.
On this occasion of happiness in the house of Ahl-e-Bait(as), I wish to extend my profound felicitations and greetings to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(as), the Ahl-e-Bait(as) and to all Momineen and Mominaat.
Since I do not have any separate ziarat of Hazrat Qasim(as) in my collection, I urge you to recite Ziarat-e-Jamea-e-Shuhada-e-Karbala. Please remember to recite special prayers and offer nazrana on this happy occasion to renew your allegiance to Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) and his Ahl-e-bait(as).
His childhood
Hazrat Qasim(as) was only 3 years old when his father Imam Hasan(as) was martyred. He was brought up under the care of Imam Hussain(as). Imam Hussain(as) and Hazrat Abbas(as) trained Hazrat Qasim(as) from this tender age and transformed him into a brave and courageous fighter within a short period. Hazrat Abbas(as) specially devoted time in teaching him swordsmanship.
When Imam Hussain(as) decided to leave Madina on 28th Rajab in the 60th Hijra, Bibi Umm-e-Farwa, wife of Imam Hasan(as) requested Imam Hussain(as) to take her and her son Qasim(as) along with him. Imam Hussain(as) accepted her request. The two traveled with the caravan of Imam Hussain(as) until they reached Karbala.
His bravery in Karbala
The situation in Karbala was a very testing time for everyone. Imam Hussain(as) was fully aware of the forthcoming events since his grandfather Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) had already informed him. In the
night before the 10th of Moharram, when Imam Hussain(as) was giving a sermon to his companions, he asked Hazrat Qasim – “Qasim tomorrow everyone will take part in the battle and will have to face death. What do you think about death?” Hazrat Qasim(as) replied “O Maula, I feel the taste death to be more sweet than honey.” This answer from a 13-year-old youth was the result of the excellent training that he had received from Imam Hussain(as) and Hazrat Abbas(as). Later events proved that these were not only emotional words uttered by Hazrat Qasim(as) but he proved them with action as well.
Article from Ziaraat.Com