Aamaal for Children safety & upbringing

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on March 30, 2014 | Views: 958 | Ratings: 683

Dua'a for Children Safety / Upbringing

Write surah al Waqi-ah (chapter 56) with saffron and tie it as a tawid to keep the child safe from misfortune, accident or mischief.

Write surah al Balad (chapter 90) with saffron and tie it as a tawid to keep the child safe from the evil of genie or an evil eye.

To keep safe the child from early untimely death the child or the mother should wear a ta'wid (Bismillaahir rah'maanir rah'eeem) written one hundred and sixty time on the hide of a deer, a sheep, or on a piece of paper.

To keep safe the child from early untimely death the father or the mother should recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 7 times and every time, should blow the breath through the palm of the right hand on a betal nut and put it around the neck of the child as a tawid.

To keep safe the child from teething troubles write surah al Qaf (chapter 50) with saffron, wash it with pure water, and then wash the mouth of the child with it

To accustom the child to nourishment other than the mother's milk write verse 14 of Luqman on a piece of paper and put it around the neck of the child as a ta'wid.

If a child has developed the habit of eating things (earth etc) which he or she should not, write verse 53 and 54 of as Saba on a piece of paper and put it as a ta'wid around the neck of the child to stop the habit of eating harmful things.

If a child weeps and weeps, write verses 108 and 112 of surah Ta Ha on the hide of a deer and put it as a ta'wid around the neck of the child to stop the non stop weeping.

As soon as a child begins to disobey recite surah Shu-ara (chapter 26) 7 times or recite surah Ahzab (chapter 33)once and every time blow breath towards the child. Inshallah, the child shall start to obey and follow the elders.

If a child, while growing up, shows signs of disobeying the elders, recite the following portion of verse 15 of Ahqaf 7 times after every wajib salat, keeping in mind the aggressive child.

To increase milk of the mother write surah al Hijr (chapter 15) or surah Ya Sin (chapter 36) with solution of saffron and rose water, wash it with pure water and give it to the mother to drink.


Write verse 21 of al Muminun as described above and give it to the mother to drink.

To increase milk of the mother write verses 8 and 9 of ar Rad on a piece of paper and bind it as a ta'wid on the right arm of the mother.