Posted by Murtuza Abbas on March 30, 2014 | Views: 925 | Ratings: 434
Hazrat Imam Hasan (A.S.)
Name Hasan
Agnomen Abu Abdullah, Abul Aiamma, Abul Masakeen
Titles Mujtaba, Syedul Wasiyeen, Syed, Zaki,Sibte Mustafa, Naqui, Tayyab, Wali, Qasim, Abu Mohammed
Father Imam Ali (a.s.) - the 1st Holy Imam
Mother Hazrat Bibi Fatima (SA)
Birth Date 15th of Ramzan 3 AH (624 AD)
Birth Place Madina
Age 47 Years
Duration of Imamat/Khilafat: 10 years, Khilafat-e-zahriee 4 months & 3 days
Martyred On 28th Safar 50 AH (670 AD)
Death Place Madina
Cause of Death In the regime of Mavia Ibne Sufian by poisoning
Holy Shrine Cemetry of Baqi in Madina