Posted by Murtuza Abbas on March 30, 2014 | Views: 1205 | Ratings: 870
Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.)
Name Hussain
Agnomen Abu Abdellah
Titles Syed ush-shuhada, Mazloom-Ai-Karbala, Garib-ai-nainawa
Father Imam Ali (a.s.) - the 1st Holy Imam
Mother Hazrat Bibi Fatima (SA)
Birth Date 3rd shaban 4 AH. (625 AD)
Birth Place Madina
Age 57 Years
Duration of Imamat/Khilafat: 10 years
Martyred On 10th Muharram 61AH 1(680 AD)
Death Place Karbala (Iraq)
Cause of Death At the hands of Yazeed through Shimer Maloon after three days of hunger & thurst for the safety of faith and securing the practices of Isalm
Holy Shrine Karbala Maula (IRAQ)