Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 03, 2014 | Views: 1387 | Ratings: 629
Death Of Hazrat Fatima (sa)
On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. This was about 90 days after the death of her Holy father.
Asma binte Umais in the same house to help her household work tells the story of her death in a very moving manner.
When the day arrived she prepared food for her children, then she told Asma that she was going to her prayer room.
She would say Takbeer loudly at various intervals.
When Asma does not hear the sound of Takbeer she should go out to the mosque and tell Hazrat ‘Ali (as) about the death of his wife.
If in the meantime the children come home give them food before telling them about the death of their mother.
Hasan and Husain arrived and Usma brought some food for them.
They said they do not eat without their mother and she had to tell the children of the death of their mother.
Both entered the prayer room and stayed with her for a while.
Hazrat ‘Ali (as) arrived and prepared for the last rites.
When he was giving her last bath he cried loudly.
Asma asked the reason and he said he could not bear to see the wound by her side when the door of the house fell on her due to commotion by some of the companions of the Prophet when they all wanted ‘Ali (as) to come out of the house for the oath of Allegiance to Abubakr.
After performing the last rites she was taken to the cemetery of Baqii in the darkness of the night for burial.
Very few family members were present at the burial of the daughter of the Prophet.