Posted by Mustafa Abbas on November 21, 2014 | Views: 3436 | Ratings: 676
Arbaeen Karbala, the largest gathering on the earth
Ziyarath Arbaeen (English subtitles)
Arbaeen inspirational videos
The pleasant sound
The largest human gathering on earth in history.
Arbaeen - Karbala 2014
20 Million Shia Muslims Brave Isis by Making Pilgrimage to Karbala for Arbaeen
A message from a Shia scholar to nawasib terrorists. - ENG SUBS
Sayings of Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) About Ziyarat-e-Imam Hussain (AS):
1. When the visitor leaves the house, each and every spot that he steps on, prays for him.(Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 15, tradition 14)
2. When the rays of the sun fall on the visitor of Imam's (a.s.) shrines, it consumes his sins like the fire consumes wooden sticks. The sun does not leave any sin on his body and he returns home sinless. In fact on his return he is granted a status that is not even given to those who shed their blood in Allah's path.(Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 15, tradition 14; Kaamiluz Ziaraat, pg 298)
3. When a Shia knows Imam Husain's (a.s.) right over the people and leaves his house for Imam's (a.s.) ziarat in this condition, without any pride and conceit, then a 1,000 angels accompany him from the right, with another 1,000 angels on the left. And he will be rewarded as if he has performed 1,000 Hajj and 1,000 Umrah with a prophet or with the successor (wasi) of a prophet. (Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 91, tradition 33)
4. Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) said, 'If one of our Shia goes for Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziarat, then he will not return but all his sins will be forgiven. For every step that he or his mount takes, 1,000 virtues are written for him, 1,000 sins are forgiven and his status is elevated by a 1,000 degrees.' (Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 25, tradition 26; Kamiluz Ziaraat, pg 134)
Ulema serving Zair Imam Hussain on Arbaeen.
The tunnel of Light English subtitles
Noha about the day of Arbaeen in Arabic
Jab Piyo Pani Husain(a) Ibn Ali(a) ka naam lo English subtitles
Mir Hasan Mir Noha on Zawar in Urdu.
Serving the Zaire Imam Hussain alaihisalam
Children of Karbala
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.