Dua e Sabaasab

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on May 01, 2014 | Views: 1750 | Ratings: 676

This Dua’a is accredited to Imaam Saahibaz Zamaan (A.S.).

It is recited to drive away the enemy, to dispel the spell of magic or sorcery, and to seek fulfillment of desires, material as well as spiritual.

It is a tested and approved supplication.

It is better to recite it after midnight, nevertheless it should be recited whenever occasion demands, or may be recited as many times as you like.

O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the Progeny of Mohammad.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

“So then Moosa became Nervous, a little anxious. We (Allah) said “worry not. You will positively have the Upper hand. (Staff): it will swallow up the Spellbinding artifice (ropes looking like Snakes) manipulated by a sorcerer who Shall not be successful, Whatever tricks he plays. Then the sorcerers put their foreheads on The ground and announced “We believe In the Lord of Moosa and Haroon” Thus They there were defeated and brought low. Thus the truth was established and that which they were doing was made vain Then We inspired Moosa Saying: “Strike The sea with your staff”. Then it put apart (the sea) into two high mountains of water. I have taken refuge with Allah, my Lord, And Lord of one and all magicians, The deceit of the treacherous, the trickery Of the swindlers, And from the harm of all the Poisonous animals, Vicious reptiles, Vicious reptiles, Vile disposition: And from the evil of all wickedness, From the violent fury of the oppressors, From the violent fry of the Oppressors, And the highhandedness of all Enemies, And the intrigue of the secret Plotters. I repulsed their offensive assault in the name of Allah. I took refuge with Allah from Their evil. I asked for Allah’s help against Them. I cut off the neck of their false Pretensions by the Divine Wisdom. I walled in inside the Divine Fortress to defend against their Soldiers. I pushed them back by the Predominant thrust of Allah, The distinct Sovereign, I hit and killed them by the Deadly arrow and sharp sword Of Allah, I caught hold of them, With the superior might of Allah, Dispersed them with the Permission of Allah, Threw them into chaos by the Divine decisive method, Pulled them to pieces with the Strength of Allah, Scattered them to the wind, Divided and forsaken, with the Power of Allah. There is no power and no Might except Allah’s the Greatest. I defeated the dishonest trick Ster with the powerful army Of Allah. I overcame the hostile enemy With the authority of Allah, The great. I destroyed him, who hatched Plots, with the infallible Strategy of the Almighty Allah. I broke the conspirator into Pieces with subtle policy of Allah, the Ever – Alert. I pushed back the transgressor In the name of the Glory of Allah, the impregnable. There is no power, no might, No dignity, no support, No victory, no help, No honour, except (with) Allah, the High, the Mighty. Allah’s blessings be on our Master and prophet Muhammad, and on his pure Descendents. I have conquered the troops (of enemies) with the power Of Allah; I put terror in their hearts, By the support of Allah. I created fear in the pit of their Stomachs, in the name of Allah’s honour. They have been thrown into Chaos by me with the authority Of Allah. They have been torn to pieces By me with the strength of Allah. They have been destroyed and Ruined by me with the omnipotence of Allah. I have taken away their power Of hearing and seeing; and destroyed The strength of their Limbs, and their confidence, With the superior unyielding Persevering and resolute power Of Allah. They have been driven away By me with the help of Divine Strategy of Allah, the High, The Great, and the All-powerful. They have been conquered, Worn down, disgraced, together With their soldiers, helpers, and Well- wishers by me with the Unfaltering aid, true and evident Help of Allah. They are now overwhelmed, Over-awed, Frightened, Frustrated Humiliated, Over-powered, Broken down Bound in chains, Out of breath, Tamed, Subdued. O Allah keep them away From us by Thy wisdom and Might, power and authority; Disunited, Mutilated, Out of breath, Tamed, Subdued, Distressed, Frightened, Humbled, Wandering, Forsaken, Overpowered Bewildered, Disappointed, Obscured, Gone astray while taking flight, Confused in their intentions, Perplexed in their hideouts, Tied up to their destruction, Engrossed in their physical Pleasures, With wounded bodies, Deteriorated minds, Their expectations cut off, Their arms and ammunition Unusable, Disillusioned in their intentions, Exposed to disgrace in their Escape, Thrown on the ground upon Their faces, Confused in their thoughts, Their hearts sealed off, Their hearts sealed off Their moratorium put aside, Their perception dimmed, Tied up to sluggishness, Addicted to sensuous pleasures And (restricted) to their limited Understanding, Their help exposed to calamities, And their soldiers pushed back. O Allah, keep safe from their Plan of action, Give help to ward off their Mischief, O Allah, apprehend them At once, be hard on Them and bring loss upon them As a punishment; Denied by everybody, thrown To the ground, Choked in breathing, Spell-bound in enjoyment, Thrown with the face on the Ground, suffocated Strangled in their own ropes and strings.

Bound in fetters, Kept tied up, Shackled in chains, Knocked down by disastrous Calamities, one after another Screaming in the agony of Trial, Cut off from roots, Abandoned to calamities and Loss, Deprived of their booty and Loot, Their supremacy vanquished O He who is always close by In misfortunes, Comes to help the needy when He makes a request. Allah has pre-ordained, “victory for Me and for My Messengers” Verily Allah is strong and Mighty.

Beware! Certainly only the Surely my protector is Allah, Who sent down the book, and Stands by the virtuous. “Verily, I ( Allah ) am sufficient For you against the sham Defiers, So I helped the faithful against Their enemies, and truth came To light.” There is no god save Allah, The one and only, who fulfilled His promise, and helped His servant and backed up His Group; And Himself destroyed the Hordes of the (infidels). So, His is the Kingdom, and (all) praise is for Him (Only). (all) praise is (only) for Allah, The Lord of the worlds. From the very beginning I Have taken refuge, in the safest Sanctuary of Allah, Under His shelter, never left Unguarded, Under the protection of Allah, Never rendered inaccessible, In the unconquerable and unfailing might of Allah, With His servants who are Never humbled, With His fighting force, never Subdued, In His unassailable quarters. In the name of Allah I began, And in the name of Allah I Came through, Became powerful, attacked and Won With the help of Allah’s might I overthrow my enemies. By the glory and greatness of Allah I defeat them, Subdue them with the wisdom And strength of Allah.

I grow strong, remain on guard And step forth against them in The name of Allah, And commit my affairs to Allah. Allah is sufficient for us, He Is the best Protector. “And you see them looking Towards you, but they do not See. Deaf, dumb and blind, And they will not return.” Command of Allah has come, Word of Allah has prevailed, The evident proof of Allah Has been made known to the Shameless enemies of Allah, The lackeys of Satan. They cannot prevail against you But may injure you a little; And if they fight they will run Away; Having no help thereafter, Inflicted with disgrace and Misery, Very sour when caught hold of, and always destroyed in Battles. They will not fight (in the Open battlefield) unless barricaded From all sides, and what Is out of sight is tightly Enclosed. They fight fiercely among Themselves; You think they are united, But their minds are confused, Because they are a people Without the power to reason” I have kept myself safe from Them inside fully fortified

Enclosure, Neither they can come in at Daytime nor break in at night. I receive strong support. I have entered the impregnable Sanctuary, And I cling and hold to the Steady rope. I protect myself with the Reliable strength of Allah, With the shield of Ameerul Momineen, peace be on him And take refuge with his Security, And put the seal-ring of Sulayman, son of Dawood Peace be on them, on my Finger. Wherever I go I find peace and Security, But my enemies are in disarray, Despised and ridiculed by one And all, Wrapped in disgrace and Inferiority, Bound in chains. I have set up protective Defence all around me, I am inside majestic palaces, Coronated with a dignified Crown, The mighty ever-sharp sword in My hand, Beyond the visual range of evil Eyes, Away from the dubious Surmises. My soul is at peace, Free from the danger of Enemies, Who have been tamed: and Afraid of me, are running away, As wild asses take to flight, Scared of a lion.

They are helpless to carry out Intrigues, which they planned against me. Their ears have turned deaf To hearing slanders about me, Their eyes have been deprived of sight, Their eyes have been deprived of sight, Their tongues are unable to Speak (ill) of me, Their minds are unfit to Identify me, their hearts take fright and Sink low before me.

Trembling they break off, Afraid of me, Abandoning their aim, Their pomp and show ending In a fiasco, Their determination is Crumbling, Their followers are deserting, Their affairs are in a mess, Discord in their opinions, their helpers are weakened, Their army is vanquished, As foretold those who return Back would be routed Altogether.

Certainly this is the promised Hour, the hour of disaster, I break into pieces their Haughtiness by the sublime ness of Allah In the manner of Ali (peace be on him), the matchless warrior, who turned upside down antagonism, and pointed out suppositions and surmises. I found favourable circumstances In the name of the Wonderful names and sublime verses of Allah. I beat my enemies black and Blue beyond repair, with Powerful blows, Their equipment is now in my Control, They are humbled, their ring-

Leaders are exterminated. Their guards and defenses lay In ruins, Their heads submissively hang In shame.

He who came after me has been waylaid, and he who Fought me has been liquidated. So I am victorious, happy, successful, triumphant. Verily I faithfully adhere to Pious expression, and hold Fast the safest handle (Islam): The strong rope is in my grip.

No more will the revolt of traitors, Deceit of imposters, or Ill-will of the greedy harm Me, till eternity. Never shall any one deceive Me. Never shall any one hurt me. Never shall any one take me For granted. “Say: I call upon my Lord: and I do not associate any one with Him. O Bestower of bounties! Give Me peace of mind, and protection against my enemies: and Appoint between me and them Exacting and active angels.

Help me with a large army and Obedient assistants, who could turn them away with penetrating superior means, drive them away with death-dealing blows, hit them with Sharp swords, shoot at them burning fireballs, burn them with consuming heat, reduce them to ashes with blazing flames. Under attack from all sides, in perpetual torment, except Him who is torn off by a wild beast (death) I attacked, challenged, came Upon, and overpowered Them, with the help of “Bismillaahir-Rah’ maanir- Raheem”, “T’aahaa”, “Yaa Seeen”, “D’ aariyaat”, “T’uwaseen” “Tanzeel”, “H’awaameem” revelaton and wisdom, “Kaaaf-Haa-Yaa-A’yyyn S’aaad” “H’aa-Meeem: A’yyyn-Seeen-Qaaaf” “Qaaf” of the Holy Quraan, “Noon”, “the pen and “what is written”, “stages of the stars”:, “T’oor”, “The written Book, spread in pages”,

“The House in heaven above the Kaa’-bah”, “The raised skies:” “The swelling sea”. Verily, the wrath of your Lord Will fall on, which no one Can put off. So they went backwards, Showing their heels; Isolated, sat in their homes, Sleepy and gloomy.

Truth won, And what they were doing had Been rendered useless. Overpowered, overthrown, Humbled. Spell of magic bro- Ken: there was total submission. So Allah protected him (Moosa) from the evil tricks, and put an end to their intentions, and to their comical ridicule, and brought down severe punishment upon the people of pharaoh: and the deceitful artifice was frustrated by the Divine wisdom. Allah is the ablest planner. Some people tried to scare a Group of ( faithful ) men by Telling them that an united Crowd was planning to hurt Them, but their faith grew more Strong, And they said “Allah is Sufficient for us. He is the Best Protector”.

From Allah favours and Bounties came in for them, And the evil touched them not, Because they obediently Aspired for Allah’s blessings. Allah is the Possessor of Abundant favours. O Allah, I seek Thy protection Against their evil designs, And Thou will nip in the bud Their opposition. I ask for the good, which is With Thee, O Allah.

“Verily soon you will find that Allah is sufficient for you. He is (the Best) Hearer, Knower.” Jibraa-eel is on my right hand, Meekaa-eel is on my left, Muhammad (blessings of Allah Be on him and his descendents Is in front, Ameerul Moomineen, peace be On him, is on my back, and Allah, the High, stays continually near over me. O He who put a barrier Between the two seas, Draw a curtain between me And my enemies, So that no harm may reach Me. Between me and my enemies Allah is the shield. Verily Allah’s shield is the Safest. Allah is sufficient to protect Me, There is no one who can Protect me except Him. “When you recite the Holy Quran, We ( Allah) draw an invisible Curtain between you and those Who do not believe in the Hereafter, And make their minds senile, And their ears deaf, When you recite (in Quran) That Allah is one they turn Sour in aversion.

Verily We have put on their Necks chains reaching unto the Chins, so that they are made Stiff-necked. And We have set a bar before Them and a bar behind them, And (thus) have covered them So that they see not.”

O Allah, draw Thy protective Curtains around me, that cannot be disheveled by Blowing winds, Nor can be pierced by spears. Through Thy Holy Spirit save My soul, for whoso comes Under its cover, is reverently Looked upto, And it creates awe and fear in the hearts of all the created Beings.

Allow me to recite Thy Beautiful names, And remember Thy high Similitues. Give me peace and goodness In that which I aspire for this Worldly life, and for the Hereafter.

Turn away the eyes of intense Starer, And substitute the hatred, Concealed in their hearts, with Goodwill, Which no one can do (except Thee). O Allah, Thou art my Sanctuary, Therefore, I take refuge with Thee. Thou art my support, Therefore, I seek Thy protection. O He before Whom the Arrogant necks bow down, and the heads of pharaohs Bent low in submission. Make me steady and careful Not be put to shame, Not to leave Thy protective Shield, Not to forget Thy remembrance, Not to be ungrateful to Thee. I remain under Thy protection, In darkness, or in daytime, At home, or in journey. Thy remembrance is my habit, Thy glorification is my routine.

O Allah, day in and day out My fear seeks Thy peaceful Sanctuary: So keep away Thy displeasure, And the hatred of Thy servants From me. Surround me with Thy Protective shield, And take me in under the Canvass of Thy favours. Deliver my soul through Thy Generosity. Set me free from the necessity Of going to wicked men for Help. I seek Thy support to avoid Corrupt companions, Ominous moments, Hostile enemies, Threatening calamities.

I take refuge with Thee from The ups and downs of day-to-day life, Except those events which follow the safe and true track, On account of Thy mercy, O the Most Merciful. Sent blessings on Mohammad and on his pure descendents.

Allah is sufficient for me, He is the Best Protector, The Best Master, The Best Supporter. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. “By the brightness of the day, and the night when it is quietest: Your Lord has not forsaken You, nor He is angry with you. Verily that which is to come Will be better for you than That which is past. Soon your Lord will give unto You so that you will be content. Did He not find you an Orphan and take care? Did He not find you wandering And show the (Right) Direction? Did He not find you a destitute And make independent? So oppress not an orphan: Turn not away the needy, But call out the favours and Bounties of your Lord. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the Progeny of Muhammad.