Posted by Mustafa Abbas on June 24, 2014 | Views: 845 | Ratings: 545
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The month of Shabaan is approaching its end and the month of Ramazan is about to start. This newsletter emphasizes the importance of fasting on the last 3 days of Shabaan.
Imam Jafer Sadiq(as) reports that Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) has said that Shabaan is my month and Ramazan is the month of Allah(swt). Therefore, if anyone observes one day of fast during Shabaan, I will do his/her “shafaat” on the day of judgment, and one who observes two days of fasting then his/her previous sins would be forgiven and if someone observes three days of fasting then it would be just like all the sins have been washed away.
Imam Ali Riza(as) has said that if someone observes fast during the last three days of Shabaan and combines them with the fasting during the month of Ramazan then Allah(swt) will grant the sawab of two months of continuous fasting to that person.
It is, therefore, advisable to fast in the last three days of Shabaan to become eligible for a great Sawab.
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