Hazrat Fatima (pbuh): Three things of this world fascinate me; reading the Quran looking at the Prophet’s face and alms-giving in the way of Allah. [NahJul-Hayat, H#164]

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on November 17, 2023 | Views: 234 | Ratings: 68

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Hazrat Fatima (pbuh):

Three things of this world fascinate me; reading the Quran looking at the Prophet’s face and alms-giving in the way of Allah.

[NahJul-Hayat, H]


Aisha, wife of Prophet (pbuh) said: "I have never seen anyone as similar to the Prophet in his mannerisms, including sitting, talking and his attitude, than Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. When she used to come in, he used to stand up to greet and kiss her and used to make her, sit in his sitting place. As well as this, when the Prophet used to visit her she used to stand up to greet and kiss him and used to ask him to sit in her sitting place."

Al Nisa’i, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on virtues of Fatima, Volume (5/96), Hadith (8396); Al Tirmidhi, Sunan, a book of virtues, Volume (5/700) Hadith, (3872); Abu Dawood, Sunan, a book of manners, in the section on standing up and greeting the visitor, Volume (2/776), Hadith (5217); Ibn Hibaan, Sahih, Volume (15/403); Al Hakim, Al Mustadrak, Volume (4/303). Also, see Al Tirmidhi, Volume (3/241).


Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.















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