Imam Ali (AS): 'A day will come for people when only letters and drawings from the Holy Qur’an and Islam in name will remain among them. Muslims' mosques will be improved in building structure and ru

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on November 22, 2017 | Views: 683 | Ratings: 317

Imam Ali (AS):

'A day will come for people when only letters and drawings from the Holy Qur’an and Islam in name will remain among them. Muslims' mosques will be improved in building structure and ruined as regards to the guidance they provide.'

[Nahajul Balagha]

We might witness some examples of this hadith here and there. It is surprising that in such cases the Muslims complain about their backwardness when they themselves have caused it by their mistaken notion that it is sufficient to adopt Muslim names and pay a nominal lip service to Islam, and that Qur’an is there only for decorative purposes.
They have not accepted Qur’an’s real role as a “book” of unbeatable value for education, training and application in day to day life. Nor have they accepted Islam as a “school” that must engage and permeate their practical and intellectual lives. Can you find a real Islamic society (which follows Islam in substance, not just in form), which has been backward or has not enjoyed an honorable status in the world?


Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.