Posted by Mustafa Abbas on June 14, 2024 | Views: 399 | Ratings: 122
Imam Baqir (pbuh):
Every eye will be crying on the Day of Judgment except for three: an eye that stayed awake in the way of Allah, an eye that wept out of fear of Allah, and an eye that refrained from looking at what Allah has forbidden.
[Bihar Al-Anwar: 7/195/62]
Explanation of hadith of Imam Baqir (peace be upon him):
The meaning of this hadith is that on the Day of Resurrection, all eyes will be weeping except for three types of eyes:
An eye that stayed awake at night for the sake of Allah:
Staying awake at night for the sake of Allah refers to remaining vigilant at night to perform acts of worship such as prayers, supplications, and remembrance of Allah. This action demonstrates the sincerity and piety of the individual, who has sacrificed their sleep and comfort to engage in the worship of Allah. Such acts of devotion are highly encouraged and valued in Islam.
An eye that wept out of the fear of Allah:
The fear of Allah refers to a reverent and profound fear of the greatness and majesty of Allah. This feeling compels a person to abstain from sins and to always be mindful of Allah. An eye that weeps out of the fear of Allah is a sign of the depth of the individual's faith and knowledge of Allah. These tears are a manifestation of repentance, remorse, and love for Allah.
An eye that lowered its gaze from what Allah has made unlawful:
Lowering one's gaze from what Allah has made unlawful means refraining from looking at things that Allah has prohibited, such as looking at non-mahram individuals, immoral images and scenes, and anything that contradicts the divine commands. Maintaining hijab (modest dress) and controlling one's gaze are crucial ethical principles in Islam, and they demonstrate the individual's chastity and piety.
Additional Explanation:
The Day of Resurrection: This is the day when all human beings will be presented before Allah for reckoning and accountability. On this day, the good and bad deeds of individuals will be examined, and everyone will receive the appropriate recompense. The intensity and magnitude of the reckoning will be such that all eyes will be weeping.
The eyes that will not weep: This hadith refers to three specific actions that can protect individuals from grief and sorrow on the Day of Resurrection. These acts are indicators of the individual's deep faith and piety, which can shield them from the punishment and distress of the Day of Judgment.
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.
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