Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) said (on the night of Ashura when Umar ibn Sa'ad's army wanted to initiate the attack, to his brother Abul-Fadl): "Go to them, and if possible try to delay and preven

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on July 16, 2024 | Views: 228 | Ratings: 155

Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) said (on the night of Ashura when Umar ibn Sa'ad's army wanted to initiate the attack, to his brother Abul-Fadl):

"Go to them, and if possible try to delay and prevent their attack on us until tomorrow, so that tonight we can pray to our Lord, supplicate, and seek His forgiveness. Because God knows that I love praying to Him, reciting the Quran, making many supplications, and seeking forgiveness."

[Encyclopedia of the Words of Imam Hussain, H 392, H 379]


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