Posted by Murtuza Abbas on May 07, 2014 | Views: 1565 | Ratings: 832
Importance of Wilayat of Ahlebait(as)
Holy Prophet(saww) said:
Allah(swt) says I made namaz (prayer) wajib (compulsory), but there is a concession for those who are traveling. I made fasting wajib (compulsory) except for those who are traveling. I made hajj wajib, except for those without means. I made zakat (poor tax)wajib but only on those who have wealth. I made the love of Ali ibn Abi Talib(as) as an absolute wajib (compulsory) upon all of creation in the heavens and on the earth and there is no exception in the love of Ali ibn Abi Talib(as).
Reference: Madinatul Moajiz First Edition page no. 368-369
Allahumma swalle ala Mohammadiw wa Aale Mohammad wa Ajjil farajahum wa lan Adu wa hum
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