Posted by Abbas Mir on March 20, 2015 | Views: 2029 | Ratings: 625
Abu Bakr, Umar, Abu Ubaydah told a group of Ansar that Quraysh were more deserving of the caliphate than Ansar because the Messenger of Allah was from Quraysh and he had said that Imam will be from Quraysh.
After completing the ritual bath to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Ali (a.s.) let Salman. Abu Dhar, Miqdad. Lady Fatimah (S.A.). Hasan and Husayn (a.s.). He stood in front and recited the prayer in congregation.
After that groups of ten people from Muhajireen and ten from Ansar were let in one after another until such time there was no one from Muhajireen and Ansar who had not prayed.
Salman informed Ali (a.s.), while he was still giving the ritual bath to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) what the community had done and that Abu Bakr was at that time on the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah. and people were paying allegiance to him.
The first one to pay allegiance was an old man who supported himself with a stick and had a very dry mark in between his two eyes. He said, after paying the allegiance: This religion is like the religion of Adam" He then left. Ali (a.s.) said that that person was Shaytan - May Allah curse him - The Messenger had informed Ali (a.s.) that Shaytan and his companions were also present in Gadhir Khum. He was saddened when Ali (a.s.) was, by God's command declared the caliph.
Ali (a s), accompanied by Lady Fatimah (a.s), Hasan (a s.) and Husayn (a.s.). went to each and every house of those Muhajreen and Ansar who were of Badr and reminded them of his rights and called them to help him. Except four people nobody came forward to help. Ali (a.s.) saw their treachery and disloyalty so he remained inside his house and started compiling the Quran. He did not come out until the whole Book had been compiled.
Abu Bakr sent people to Ali's house to make him come out to pay allegiance to him. Ali (a.s.) sent him a message that he was busy and had taken an oath that, except for prayers. he will not wear the cloak until he had completed compiling the Quran. After compiling the Quran in one piece of clothe. he went to people in Masjide Nabawi and informed them that since the passing away of the Messenger of Allah, he had been occupied with the ritul bath. shroud, and compiling the Quran. He said to people "So that you do not tell me Surely we were heedless of this (Surah Araf:172) and on the day of Judgement you do not say that they were not called to help him and they were not reminded of his rights and were not called to the Book of Allah from the beginning to the end.
Umar said that the Quran that they had was sufficient for them.
Umar told Abu Bakr to send someone to Ali (a.s.) to ask him to pay allegiance since until such time Ali (a.s.) paid allegiance their caliphate had no value, and if Ali (a.s.) paid allegiance to Abu Bakr, he would be given amnesty. Abu Bakr sent some one to Ali (a s saying that the Caliph of The Prophet of Allah was calling him.
Ali (a s) replied that Abu Bakr and people knew that the Messenger of Allah had not appointed anyone as his caliph except Ali. The man returned to Abu Bakr with Ali's reply.
Abu Bakr sent the man back to Ali and say that Amirul Mumineen Abu Bakr was calling him to which Ali (a.s.) replied that this title is not appropriate for except Ali himself and anyone that Abu Bakr had been ordered by the Messenger of Allah salute Ali addressing him to as Amirul Mumineen. The man retumed to Abu Bakr with what Ali (as) had said.
At night Ali (a accompanied by Lady Fatimah (a.s.). Hasan and Husayn again went to the companions of the Messenger of Allah. reminded of his rights, called them for help but except four nobody agreed. Among the four Zubayr was the one who had most intelligently helped him. When Ali (as) saw the attitude of people he stayed at home.
Umar asked Abu Bakr what stopped him from sending somebody to Ali and demand allegiance because except Ali and his four companions everybody else had paid allegiance.
Qunfuz, who was very tough, short-tempered, oppressor and from Tulaga, and from the tribe of Adi Ibn Kaab, was sent with more men to Ali (a.s.) house. Ali (a.s.) refused them permission to enter his house.
Umar ordered them to go back to Ali (a.s.) and enter without permission They returned and asked for permission to enter. Lady Fatimah told them that she was not permitting them to enter. They returned but Qunfuz, the cursed, remained. His companions informed Umar that Lady Fatimah had refused them permission to enter. Umar said vory angrily: What do we have to do with women?"
Umar instructed people to gather wood. and he himself lifted the wood and went to the house of Ali (a s.), Lady Fatimah and their two sons and arranged the wood all around the house and asked Ali to come out and pay allegiance to the caliph of the Prophet of Allah. othonwise they will burn their house.
Lady Fatimah asked Umar was he not frightened of Allah He refused to retum, asked fire to be brought and he himself set the door on fire, pushed it and entered. Lady Fatimah came in front. He raised his sword with the shield and hit her on the side. Ali (a.s.) rushed, held him by neck and pushed him away, and intended to kill him but he remembered what the Messenger of Allah had said.
Qunfuz returned to Abu Bakr who also sent him back instructing him to set the house on fire and enter without permission. Ali was arrested, with a rope tied in his neck. Lady Fatimah came in between Ali and those people near the door of the house, so Qunfuz hit her with a whip. When she passed away, the mark of the wound was still on her shoulder.
Ali (as) was pulled by force until he was brought to Abu Bakr. Umar was standing with a sword behind Abu Bakr. Khalid Ibn Walid, Abu Ubaydah Ibn Jarrah, Salim Mawla Abu Huzayiah, Ma'az lbn Jabal, Mughirah Ibn Sha'aba and others were sitting near him with weapons in their hands. Except Umar, Khalid and Mughirah, all those sitting near Abu Bakr were crying.
When Abu Bakr saw Ali (a.s.) he screamed and ordered people to release him.
Ali (a.s) asked Abu Bakr on what ground and reasons had he sent people to Ali, demanding allegiance. Umar very disrespectfully ordered Ali to pay allegiance Ali asked what would people do if he refused. They said that they would kill him with humiliation. Ali said that that would mean that they killed Abdullah, and the brother of the Prophet. Abu Bakr denied that the Messenger of Allah had declared brotherhood between Ali and himself.
Ali turned towards people and reminded them about what the Messenger of Allah had said concerning him in Gadhir Khum and the Battle of Tabuk. He did not leave anything that the Messenger had said and everyone replied that they had heard it.
Abu Bakr got fnghtened that people may help Ali to stop what was being done so he hastened to explain that he had also heard the Messenger of Allah say that his ahlulbayt are those people for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter instead of this world, and that Allah has not decreed that Prophethood and caliphate be at the same place. Ali asked for any witnesses to what Abu Bakr said Umar, Abu Ubaydah. Salim Mawla. Abu Huzayfah and Ma'az supported Abu Bakr
Ali told him that he had completed his cursed sahifa which he had agreed in Kaabah (i.e. if Muhammad is killed or dies will take away caliphate from ahlulbayt). Abu Bakr asked Ali how did he know about the sahifa. Zubayr, Salman. Abu Dhar and Miqdad supported Ali that they had heard the Messenger of Allah count five people who had made a written agreement and had vowed to keep it, that if the Messenger of Allah is killed or dies, Ali will be removed from the caliphate.
Zubayr. Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad also confirmed that the Messenger had instructed Ali to fight and get his right back if he found helpers and if he did not find helpers, he should restrain his hand and save his blood.
Ali told Abu Bakr that he (Abu Bakr) had attributed a lie against the Holy Prophet. In verse 54 of Surah Nisa, the Book means Prophethood. Wisdom is tradition, and the grand kingdom is caliphate. and ahlulbayt are Ibrahim's children.
Miqdad asked Ali what his command was- to fight or stop Ali told him to stop and remember the promise that the Messenger of Allah had taken from him. Salman, Abu Dhar also addressed people and reminded them of the rights of Ali (a.s.).
Umar asked Abu Bakr to give his order to kill Ali. Hasan and Husayn (as) started crying on hearing this.
Umme Ayman intervened and was removed from the mosque on Umar's order.
Buraydah Aslami reminded Abu Bakr and Umar that on instructions from the Messenger, they both had saluted Ali (a.s.) addressing him as Amirul Mumineen.
Umar gave orders so Buraydah was beaten and thrown out of the mosque. He asked Ali to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr. Ali asked thrice what will people do if he refused. He was told that they would kill him, so without opening his palm he stretched his hand and Abu Bakr put his hand on Ali's fist and was satisfied with that.
Zubayr refused to pay allegiance but was forced by Umar, Khalid Ibn Walid and Mughirah. They also twisted Salman's neck until I became like a piece of flesh, twisted his hand, and forced him to pay allegiance.
Abu Dhar and Miqdad were also forced to pay allegiance.
Salman told Umar that he had heard the Messenger say that until the Day of Judgement the sins of the entire community will be on Umar and his companion whom allegiance had been paid to, and the punishment of that will be equal to the punishment of the entire Ummah.
Ali said that the Messenger of Allah had informed him about a coffin in Hell and those who will be in this coffin. Salman confirmed it.
Uthman's conversation with Ali (a.s.)
Companions abandon the religion of Allah - comparison with Prophet Musa's community.