Posted by Mustafa Abbas on July 21, 2014 | Views: 1143 | Ratings: 662
Night of 23rd of Ramazan will start when the Fast of the 22nd of Ramazan finishes. This is the third and most probable night of Qadr; Shab-e-Qadr.
Importance of this night
Allah(swt) mentions in Surat-ul-Qadr in the Holy Quran – “Lailatul-Qadr-e Khair-um-min-alf fish-shahr” - The (prayer of the) Night of Qadr is better than (the prayers of) 1000 months. Allah(swt) also says in the same Sura “Tanaz zalul mala-ikatahu war ruhu feeha be izni rabbahim mil kulle amr salamun hiyya hatta matlayil fajr.” During this night, angels descend from the heavens on our Holy Imam-e-Zamana(atfs) and bring his Allah(swt) orders regarding affairs of the whole year to follow and this process continues until dawn.
The uniqueness of Shab-e-Qadr is understood from the fact that almost all occasions of celebration and mourning are commemoration of events that have happened in the past but Shab-e-Qadr is the event that occurs every year.
Aamal (acts, prayers and duaein) of Shab-e-Qadr
Detailed aamal are available at:
The Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) and the Holy Imams(as) have taught momineen special prayers and duas to be recited in Shab-e-Qadr. The site now contains a link “Aamal of Shab-e-Qadr” on the main page detailing those special prayers and duas. Kindly review them and inform other momineen and mominaat as well so that as many could benefit as possibly can.
Here is a quick summary of the aamal:
1. Performing ghusl (bathe) before Maghrib prayers and praying Maghrib and Ishaa with ghusl.
2. Staying awake and busy in prayers throughout the night.
3. 2 Rakaat Prayer. Recitation of Sura Tawheed 7 times after Sura Hamd in each Rakaat.
4. Recite dua “Astaghfirullah ha wa atoub-o ileah” 70 times after this Prayer.
5. Recite 100 Rakaat of Prayers. Prefereably pray 6 days of QAZA Prayers (Obligatory prayers – which have been missed).
6. Recite Dua Makaram-il-Ikhlaq, Dua-e-Tauba, Dua Joshan-e-Kabeer and Dua Joshan-e-Sagheer.
7. Recite Ziarat of Imam Hussain(as) and Imam-e-Zamana(as).
8. Recite Sura Room, Sura Ankaboot, Sura Dukhkhan and recite as many duas and Suras as possible.
Article from Ziaraat.Com