Our Maraje and Azae Imam Hussain (as)

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on December 06, 2014 | Views: 2079 | Ratings: 983


The Best of Provisions

The great Faqih (Jurist) and Marja` Ayatullah al `Uzma Mirza Jawad al Tabrizi had in his possession two handkerchiefs that he carried with him during the mourning gatherings of Imam al Husain (a.s.) and would wipe his tears that he shed therein. After the end of the gathering he would preserve it in a special place. In his last Testimony addressed to his sons he desired them to place the two handkerchiefs in his Shroud (Kafan) after his death. He would often say, “If I possess anything that would benefit me in the Hereafter, are these two handkerchiefs with which I wiped my tears of love for Ahlalbait (a.s.) for lengthy period of years”. He desired that these be buried with him so that they may prove beneficial for him in the grave and act as a witness during his Resurrection (in Qiyamah).

After his death and before shrouding, his sons searched for the handkerchiefs but were not found. When the Shroud was brought the handkerchiefs were found lying therein. Perhaps Ayatullah al Tabrizi had kept them in his Shroud before leaving for the hospital, and it was in that very hospital that he passed away. Therefore one of the handkerchief was placed in his right hand and another was placed upon his chest.


Azae Imam Hussain (as) by late Ayatollah al-Shaheed as-Sayyed Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim


Azae Imam Hussain (as) by late Ayatollah Ayatullah Khomeini


Syed Ammar on our Maraje and Azae Imam Hussain (as)


Our Ulema serving pilgrims of Imam Hussain (as)


Ayatollah Syed Mohammed saeed al Tabatabaee walking from najaf to Karbala at age of 82 years.



Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.





