Posted by Mustafa Abbas on February 01, 2018 | Views: 1587 | Ratings: 546
Status of Lady Fatima (SA)
Hazrat Fatima (SA):
"When the verse 63 of sura Nur was revealed that: 'Deem not the summons of the Messenger among yourselves like the summons of one of you to another' I feared to call him by «O father!», so I called my father, «O Prophet of God!», like others. When I called him in this manner two or three times, he looked at me and said: “O Fatima, this verse does not concern you and your progeny. Dear Fatima! You are from me and I am from you! Verily this verse was revealed to teach the rough and bad-tempered people of conduct. You call me «Father» for it is the joy of my heart and it pleases God if you do so.”"
[Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 34, P. 33]
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.