The court made 20 British Pakistanis to sign an undertaking agreeing not to perform or encourage Zanjeer in or around the Idara premises

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 23, 2014 | Views: 696 | Ratings: 421

22 Shias banned from doing Zanjeer by court in London, UK.! How in the world did this issue had to go the court? We Shias are not capable of solving ourselves? That today a judge tells us to refrain from doing Azadari.

I just dont know what we will tell Imam Hussein (as). Both are wrong. The youths are responsible for not taking advise of the trustees and solving amicably and the trustees are also wrong going to court under the pretext that Zanjeer is not covered by insurances. The tragedy of Kerbala was it covered by insurance?

LONDON: The issue of Zanjeerzani (self-flagellation) in Britain has entered into uncharted waters after High Court’s Queen Bench Division issued injunction against two British Pakistanis restraining them from entering or practicing Zanjeerzani at the Idara-e-Jaaferiya here in Tooting, Europe’s oldest Imambargah. The court made 20 British Pakistanis to sign an undertaking agreeing not to perform or encourage Zanjeer in or around the Idara premises.

The 22 individuals were taken to the court by the trustees of the Idara-e-Jaaferiya after a prolonged and bitter dispute of the Idara with hundreds of Shia Muslim mourners who have wished to practice Zanjeer within the premises of the Idara.

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