Posted by Murtuza Abbas on May 04, 2014 | Views: 748 | Ratings: 584
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace be on you O intimate friends of Allah! Peace be on you, O decisive arguments of Allah! Peace be on you, O light of Allah, in the midst of ignorance and disorder, widespread in the world! Peace be on you, blessings of Allah be on you, and on your pure and pious children. With my father (I am) at your disposal, and also my mother. Surely you sincerely carried out the mission of Allah, and strived in the cause of Allah, leaving no stone unturned, against heavy odds, in letter and spirit, till the inevitable came unto you. Therefore Allah condemns your enemies, whether they be men or jinn, one and all. I turn obedient, unto Allah, and you keeping away from them. O Mawlaa! O Abaa Ibrahim ! Moosa son of Jaa’far! O Mawlaa! O Abdul Hasan! Ali son of Moosa! O Mawlaa ! O Abaa Jaa’faar! Muhammad son of Ali ! O Mawlaa ! O Abul Hasan ! Ali son of Muhammad ! I am your bondman, I truly believe in your inner-most best aspects, in your evident public roles; take refuge with you, in the hours of today, your day, Wednesday, and seek your nearness, therefore receive me with open arms, let me be near you, (and near) your pure and pious children.
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.