Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 18, 2014 | Views: 1133 | Ratings: 838
I bear witness that there is no god save Allah
Alone without having any associate
And I bear witness that Muhammad—blessings of Allah be upon him—is His servant and Messenger
Peace be on you O the family of the Prophet
You are the seat of the Divine mission
Unto you the Angels turn
You are the destination of the Divine revelation
the originating source of mercy
the treasures of knowledge
the ultimate in forbearance
the foundation of generosity
the leaders of all nations
You administer and distribute the bounties
You are the elements of virtues
the pillars of goodness
You direct and guide mankind
You protect and support lands
The doors to faith
the trustees of the All-beneficent Allah
The distinguished descendants of the Prophets
The choice descendants of the Messengers
The Household of the best Individual in the estimation of the Lord of the worlds
And upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah
Peace be on the Guides imams to the Right Path
The lanterns in darkness
The patterns of piety
The actual ones endued with understanding
The ones of thought
The shelters for people
The inheritors of the Prophets The perfect specimen
The most excellent calling unto the good
The decisive arguments of Allah against the inhabitants of the world, the Hereafter and the former
And upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah
Peace be on the exponents of the views and beliefs which acquaint with the awareness of Allah
wherever you are there are blessings of Allah
the wisdom of Allah is deposited with you
the secrets of Allah have been put in your safekeeping
you know the Book of Allah by heart
you are the successors of the Prophet of Allah
the children of the Messenger of Allah
And upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah
Peace be on you who invite people unto Allah
guide with clear arguments unto that which win Allah's pleasure
abide by the laws of Allah
love Allah from the bottom of the heart
sincerely believe in the One and Only Allah
make clear that which is made lawful and that which is made unlawful by Allah you are the honored bondmen
who speak not until He has spoken and act by His command
And upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah
Peace be on the Guides Imams who give a calling
and lead unto guidance
you are the loving guardians
the protecting defenders the followers people of the remembrance the Holy Quran
those who are in authority
that good which Allah has left with people His choicest and His group
The store of His Knowledge
His argument, His path
His light, His proof
And upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah
I bear witness that there is no god save Allah
the One and there is no partner with Him
just as Allah Himself testifies to His own Oneness
and His Angels also testify for His Oneness
And also his creatures who know the truth also testify
there is no god save He; the Almighty the All-wise
I bear witness that Muhammad is His elect bondman
His approved Messenger
He sent him with the guidance and the Religion of truth that He may cause it to prevail over all religions
however much the idol-worshippers may be averse I bear witness that all of you are the rightly guided Imams The truly guided, the infallible
The highly revered, the favorite
The pious, the truthful
The chosen, the obedient servants of Allah
who establish the rule of God
put into practice that which He wills
win and posses His excellence
He elected you to have His knowledge
He chose you to be aware of what issues forth or what comes to pass
placed His trust in you to let you know inside and out of His secrets strengthened you with His omnipotence
equipped you with His guidance
distinguished you with His clear proofs glorified you with His Light
confirmed you with His Holy spirit
made a choice of you to represent Him in His earth
so that you make evident manifest and establish His truth
give currency to His religion
protect His confidence
treasure His knowledge
store and invest His wisdom
Interpret His revelation
consolidate and preserve His Oneness
bear witness to the act of creation you witnessed all that has been created by Allah
you are the signs Allah has set for His servants
you are the torches Allah has lighted in His lands
you show the direction unto His path
Allah preserved you guiltless and free from error kept you safe disorderliness
freed you from dirt
from unruly removed uncleanness from you
and cleansed you with a thorough cleansing
So, you have glorified His majesty
Have declared great His magnificence
Have venerated His glory
Have perpetuated mentioning Him
Have consolidated His covenant
Have made firm your pledge of obedience to Him
Have advised people for His sake privately and publicly
Have called unto His way through words of wisdom and fair admonition
not sparing your own lives took pains and made efforts to do as He willed exercised self-control and faced untold hardships in His cause
established prayers
gave prescribed alms
advised to do that which is lawful
warned not to do that which is unlawful
strived in the way of Allah in letter and spirit
until you made known every aspect of His true Message
rendered clear the obligations
and defined the boundaries laid down by Him
communicated and propagated His constitution
demonstrated the rule of conduct approved by Him
and went ahead resolutely to accomplish that which is dear to Him
surrendered to His will
proved true the Messengers sent by Him before you
therefore whoso turns away from you misses the aim (and deviates from the right path)
whoso closely adhere to you reaches the destination
whoso fails short of that which is as it ought to be in your case compare and contrast to lower in grade destroys himself
Verily truth is with you amid you in you and it always directs itself unto you
you deserve it as it stays permanently with you
the inheritance of Prophethood is with you
you are the ultimate destination to which the people will have to come back
to give an account of themselves before you
it is your privilege to separate evil from good in clear words
in the light of the signs guidelines of Allah you are fully aware of
because for His unavoidable decrees and plan He relies upon you
you are the true reflection of His light and Signs
authority to guide has been conferred on you
he who is fond of you is a friend of Allah
whoso turns against you comes in conflict with Allah he who loves you is a beloved of Allah
whoso bears a grudge against you holds Allah in contempt
whoso takes refuge with you takes asylum with Allah you are the main means of approach the right way
You are the greatest path (to Allah)
you give witness to what takes place in this mortal world
And you are the interceders (for the believers) on the Day of Judgement
you are the mercy perpetual and progressive
The signs highly valued and treasured
mainstay well guarded
forum of justice wherein people are put to test and trial
whoso comes near you is saved assured a blissful afterlife
whoso does not come near you is ruined doomed to everlasting distress
you invite people unto Allah
show the right way leading to Him
Believe in Him
willingly surrender to Him
act upon His law and command
Guide to His path
exercise authority in the name of His word
happy and successful is he who stands by you
lost and desolate is he who forsakes you
indistinct and little known is he who knows better but denies you
whoso separates himself from you goes astray
whoso clings to you attains his purpose
whoso takes refuge with you saves himself
blessed is he who becomes aware of your truthfulness
he who is watched over by you finds the right path
whoso follows you shall dwell in the Paradise
whoso turns against you shall rot in Hell
he who says no to you in fact renounces the faith
he who makes war against you is as bad as a polytheist
he who forsakes you shall find himself in the lowest tier of the burning fire
I know for sure that certainly you are like what is said above
and shall continue to be so in future
your souls, light and form are made from the same clay
They are thoroughly pure and infallible altogether
Allah created you in the form of light
then kept you closely attached with His Throne
until you were sent down in this world as a favor to us
allowed you to pronounce and praise His name aloud in the Houses of Allah
made our sending blessings on you and being loyal to you as signs of the legitimacy of our birth
and the purity of our souls
And the refinement our manners
And His forgiving our sins
We thus have become among those who believe undoubtedly in your (excellent) virtues
and by becoming aware of your true status we have been distinguished
Allah made you reach the noblest position of glory
the highest station nearest to Allah
and the loftiest status of the Messengers
where none can ever reach you
nor can anyone surpass you
nor can anyone ever precede you
No can anyone look forward to reaching your positions
even the favorite Angels went for it
nor the commissioned Prophets
nor a friend nor a martyr
nor a scholar nor an ignorant
nor an inferior nor a superior
nor a pious faithful
nor a wicked sinner
nor an obstinate tyrant
nor a devilish rebel
nor any other being had ever been there
except that Allah informs them of the grandeur of your decisive authority
importance of your thoughtful ideas
power of your meaningful intelligence