Ziyarat Tazia (English Subtitles)

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on May 04, 2014 | Views: 1357 | Ratings: 648

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Ádam, the chosen one of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Nuh, the Prophet of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Ibráhim, the Friend of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Músá, who talked with Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of `Isá, the Spirit of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Muhammad, the beloved of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of Amíril Mu’minín, the friend of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O inheritor of hasan the martyr, the grandson of the Messenger of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O son of the Messenger of Alláh.

Peace be on you, O son of the Bearer of good news, the Warner, and the son of the Chief of the Successors.

Peace be on you, O son of Fátima, the chief of the women of the worlds.

Peace be on you, O Abu `Abdilláh.

Peace be on you, O the chosen one of Alláh, and the son of His chosen one.

Peace be on you, O fighter in the way of Alláh, and son of a fighter in His way.

Peace be on you, O one who was left alone by the murder of relatives.

Peace be on you, O the Imám, the pious Guide,

and on the souls who died with you, and stayed in your vicinity, and arrived in the presence of your visitors.

Peace be on you from me, so long as I live, and so long as the night and day remain.

Surely, great was the grief on account of you, and heavy is the sorrow for, the believers, the Muslims,

the dwellers of the heavens, and the dwellers of the earth.

Surely we come from Alláh, and to Him we shall return.

May Alláh's blessings, favour and greetings, be on you

and on your forefathers, the Purified, the Noble, the Chosen,

and on their progeny, the Guides who are guided.

Peace be on you, O my Master, and on them,

and on your soul, and their souls

and on your grave and their graves.

O Alláh, greet them with mercy, pleasure, happiness and peace.

Peace be on You O my Master, O Abu `Abdilláh, son of the seal of the Prophets, son of the chief of the successors, and son of the chief of the women of the worlds.

Peace be on you, O martyr, son of a martyr, brother of a martyr, father of martyrs.

O Alláh, convey to him, from me, in this hour and on this day,

at this time and every time, many greetings and salutations.

Peace be on you, and the mercy of Alláh, and His blessings, O son of the chief of the worlds,

and on those who sought martyrdom with you,

a peace forever, so long as the night and day succeed each other.

Peace be on husayn son of `Alí, the martyr.

Peace be on `Alí son of husayn, the martyr.

Peace be on `Abbás, son of Amíril Mu'minín, the martyr.

Peace be on the martyrs from the sons of Amíril Mu’minín.

Peace be on the martyrs from the sons of hasan.

Peace be on the martyrs from the sons of husayn.

Peace be on the martyrs from the sons of Ja`far and `Aqíl.

Peace be on those martyred with them from the believers.

O Alláh, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and convey to them, from me, many greetings and salutations.

Peace be on you, O Messenger of Alláh,

May Alláh grant you the best of consolation, on [the loss of] your son husayn.

Peace be on You, O Fátima,

May Alláh grant you the best of consolation, on [the loss of] your son husayn.

Peace be on you, O Amíral Mu’minín,

May Alláh grant you the best of consolation, on [the loss of] your son husayn.

Peace be on You, O Abu Muhammad, al-hasan,

May Alláh grant you the best of consolation, on [the loss of] your brother husayn.

O my Master, O Abu `Abdilláh,

I am the guest of Alláh, and your guest, and am close to Alláh, and close to you,

and for every guest and close one, there is a welcome,

and my welcome at this moment is that you pray to Alláh, the Glorified, the Elevated,

that He grant me safety from the fire.

Surely He, listens to prayers, is Near, ever-Answering.