Ziyarat Warisa (Imam Hussain) with English Subtitles

Posted by Murtuza Abbas on May 01, 2014 | Views: 912 | Ratings: 470

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Adam, the sincerely attached friend of Allah!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Nooh, the Prophet of Allah!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Ibrahim, the intimate friend of Allah!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Moosaa, whom Allah addressed!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Eesaa, who received joy, mercy and peace from Allah!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Muhammad, the dearest beloved of Allah!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of the Ameerul Moomineen!

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Fatimah Zahra!

Peace be on you, O the son of Muhammad Al Mustafa!

Peace be on you, O the son of Fatimah Zahra!

Peace be on you, O the son of Ali Al Murtaza!

Peace be on you, O the son of Khadijah Kubra!

Peace be on you, O he whose blood-claimer is Allah,

He is the blood-claimer of your father also, as those who persecuted you, your relatives and friends have not been punished for their crimes. I bear witness that, verily, you established the prayers, gave the prescribed share to the needy, commanded to do that which is right and lawful, not to do that which is wrong and unlawful, and sincerely served Allah, till the inevitable came unto you. So, curse of Allah be on those who killed you, curse of Allah be on those who persecuted you, curse of Allah be on those who heard all this and rested satisfied.

O my Mawlaa!

O Aba Abdillah!

I call Allah to bear witness, and also His Angels, His Prophets, His Messengers, that I believe in you, and I am sure of your return,

(I follow you) in the matter of my religious performances, day-to-day conduct, and “returning to the Creator”. Blessings of Allah be on your souls and bodies, (when) you are in view (when) you are out of sight, on your style, on your substance.

Peace be on you, O the son of the Last Prophet, the son of the first successor, the Imam of the God-fearing, the son of the leader of the riders who will urge their white-footed horses unto the blissful land of Paradise.

How it is not possible? You are the gateway to guidance, the pious Imam, the safe handle, the decisive proof (of Allah) for the mankind, one of the five people of “Kisa” the hands of Mercy fed you, the bosom of Faith nursed you, the genius of Islam trained you, frankly I am very unhappy on account of your departure, (because) there is no doubt that you are alive. Blessings of Allah be on you, and on your forefathers, and on your descendants.

Peace be on you, O he who bathed in tears, troubles, in regular rotation, surrounded you. Curse of Allah be on those who deemed it lawful to do away with your sanctity, then killed you. Blessings of Allah, harnessed and bridled, be on you, the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children) is your blood-claimer and the book of Allah is renounced (when) you (the part of parcel of it) are lost. Peace be on you, on your grandfather on your father, on your mother, on your brother, on the Imams, in your progeny on the martyrs, martyred with you, on the angels, who surround your holy grave, and on those visitors who are here to perform your “Ziyaarat” and say “let it be so” for your follower’s prayers.

Peace be on you, and mercy and blessings of Allah be on you, My father and mother are at your disposal O the son of the Messenger of Allah! My father and mother are at your disposal O Aba Abdillah! Indeed terrible was the calamity, and your suffering casts gloom upon us, and upon all the people of the earth and the heavens, so, curse of Allah be on those who saddled and bridled their horses, gave reins, and got ready to fight against you.

O my Mawlaa!

O Aba Abdillah!

I move towards your “Haram”, I have reached your resting abode, I beseech Allah in the name of privileges you enjoy before Him, in the name of the position you occupy near Him, to send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, and let me be with you in this world and in the Hereafter, as a favour, bestowed upon me through His generosity and kindness.