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Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS): 'Allah has placed evils and maladies under locks, the key of which is wine, and lying is even worse than wine.' [Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a, 2nd Volume, Page 223]

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on November 27, 2017 | Views: 1001 | Ratings: 335

Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS):

'Allah has placed evils and maladies under locks, the key of which is wine, and lying is even worse than wine.'

[Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a, 2nd Volume, Page 223]

The greatest and most effective tool against evils and maladies is wisdom and intellect. When wine is drunk, wisdom is removed thus all evils and obscenities are let loose. A drunk person is vulnerable to committing all sorts of crime, sin and corruption. On the other hand, a drunkard commits a sin under the influence of the mind numbing drink, a liar pollutes the social environment consciously. When lying permeates a society, it kills the spirit of trust and reliance leading to sins and corruption. Hence lying is even more dangerous than wine.



Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.