Most Recent 114 Surah of Quran Translation & Recitation ( 162 )

[96:1] Read in the name of your Lord Who created. [96:2] He created man from a clot. [96:3] Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, [96:4] Who taught (to write) with the pen [96:5] Taught man what he knew not. [96:6] Nay! man is most surely inordinate, [96:7] Because he sees himself free from want....

[95:1] I swear by the fig and the olive, [95:2] And mount Sinai, [95:3] And this city made secure, [95:4] Certainly We created man in the best make. [95:5] Then We render him the lowest of the low. [95:6] Except those who believe and do good, so they shall have a reward never to be cut off. [95:7...

[94:1] Have We not expanded for you your breast, [94:2] And taken off from you your burden, [94:3] Which pressed heavily upon your back, [94:4] And exalted for you your esteem? [94:5] Surely with difficulty is ease. [94:6] With difficulty is surely ease. [94:7] So when you are free, nom...

[93:1] I swear by the early hours of the day, [93:2] And the night when it covers with darkness. [93:3] Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased, [93:4] And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before. [93:5] And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall b...

[92:1] I swear by the night when it draws a veil, [92:2] And the day when it shines in brightness, [92:3] And the creating of the male and the female, [92:4] Your striving is most surely (directed to) various (ends). [92:5] Then as for him who gives away and guards (against evil), [92:6] And accepts the b...

[91:1] I swear by the sun and its brilliance, [91:2] And the moon when it follows the sun, [91:3] And the day when it shows it, [91:4] And the night when it draws a veil over it, [91:5] And the heaven and Him Who made it, [91:6] And the earth and Him Who extended it, [91:7] And the soul and Him W...

[90:1] Nay! I swear by this city. [90:2] And you shall be made free from obligation in this city-- [90:3] And the begetter and whom he begot. [90:4] Certainly We have created man to be in distress. [90:5] Does he think that no one has power over him? [90:6] He shall say: I have wasted much wealth. ...

[89:1] I swear by the daybreak, [89:2] And the ten nights, [89:3] And the even and the odd, [89:4] And the night when it departs. [89:5] Truly in that there is an oath for those who possess understanding. [89:6] Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with Ad, [89:7] (The people of) Aram,...

[88:1] Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity? [88:2] (Some) faces on that day shall be downcast, [88:3] Laboring, toiling, [88:4] Entering into burning fire, [88:5] Made to drink from a boiling spring. [88:6] They shall have no food but of thorns, [88:7] Which will ne...

[87:1] Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High, [87:2] Who creates, then makes complete, [87:3] And Who makes (things) according to a measure, then guides (them to their goal), [87:4] And Who brings forth herbage, [87:5] Then makes it dried up, dust-colored. [87:6] We will make you recite so you s...

[86:1] I swear by the heaven and the comer by night; [86:2] And what will make you know what the comer by night is? [86:3] The star of piercing brightness; [86:4] There is not a soul but over it is a keeper. [86:5] So let man consider of what he is created: [86:6] He is created of water pouring forth, ...

[85:1] I swear by the mansions of the stars, [85:2] And the promised day, [85:3] And the bearer of witness and those against whom the witness is borne. [85:4] Cursed be the makers of the pit, [85:5] Of the fire (kept burning) with fuel, [85:6] When they sat by it, [85:7] And they were witness...

[84:1] When the heaven bursts asunder, [84:2] And obeys its Lord and it must. [84:3] And when the earth is stretched, [84:4] And casts forth what is in it and becomes empty, [84:5] And obeys its Lord and it must. [84:6] O man! surely you must strive (to attain) to your Lord, a hard striving until you meet Hi...

[83:1] Woe to the defrauders, [83:2] Who, when they take the measure (of their dues) from men take it fully, [83:3] But when they measure out to others or weigh out for them, they are deficient. [83:4] Do not these think that they shall be raised again [83:5] For a mighty day, [83:6] The day on which men s...

[82:1] When the heaven becomes cleft asunder, [82:2] And when the stars become dispersed, [82:3] And when the seas are made to flow forth, [82:4] And when the graves are laid open, [82:5] Every soul shall know what it has sent before and held back. [82:6] O man ! what has beguiled you from your Lord, the ...

[81:1] When the sun is covered, [81:2] And when the stars darken, [81:3] And when the mountains are made to pass away, [81:4] And when the camels are left untended, [81:5] And when the wild animals are made to go forth, [81:6] And when the seas are set on fire, [81:7] And when souls are united,...

[80:1] He frowned and turned (his) back, [80:2] Because there came to him the blind man. [80:3] And what would make you know that he would purify himself, [80:4] Or become reminded so that the reminder should profit him? [80:5] As for him who considers himself free from need (of you), [80:6] To him do ...

[79:1] I swear by the angels who violently pull out the souls of the wicked, [79:2] And by those who gently draw out the souls of the blessed, [79:3] And by those who float in space, [79:4] Then those who are foremost going ahead, [79:5] Then those who regulate the affair. [79:6] The day on which the q...

[78:1] Of what do they ask one another? [78:2] About the great event, [78:3] About which they differ? [78:4] Nay! they shall soon come to know [78:5] Nay! Nay! they shall soon know. [78:6] Have We not made the earth an even expanse? [78:7] And the mountains as projections (thereon)? [78...

[77:1] I swear by the emissary winds, sent one after another (for men's benefit), [77:2] By the raging hurricanes, [77:3] Which scatter clouds to their destined places, [77:4] Then separate them one from another, [77:5] Then I swear by the angels who bring down the revelation, [77:6] To clear or to warn....

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