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ISIL mufti: Gazans are Shiites, do not help them!

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on July 24, 2014 | Views: 745 | Ratings: 542


An Egyptian cleric recently made absurd remarks claiming Gaza war is a plot to drag Egypt, Gazans are Shiites and Israelis are only defending themselves!

In the video published on YouTube "Tala'at Zahran", an Egyption mufti of ISIL terrorist group, in response to the question "should we help the people of Gaza against Israeli military strike or not?" said: Firstly this issue depends on Amir (Daesh representative in Gaza) and the flag of Daesh, but people of Gaza have no Amir and flag. Secondly they are Shiites and using Iranian missiles against innocent people of Israel, so Israel is forced to retaliate by Bombing of Gaza.