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Kitab-E-Sulaym Ibn Qays Al Hilali: HADITH NO. 2

Posted by Abbas Mir on March 14, 2015 | Views: 850 | Ratings: 521

The Messenger of Allah and Ali (a.s.) came across beautiful gardens, and the messengers of Allah said that there were more beautiful gardens for Ali in Paradise.

The Messenger informed Ali that his community's hearts were filled with jealousy towards Ali, which will be shown after the death of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). That win be the enmity of Ohad.
Ali's life and death are with the Messenger of Allah. .Ali is the Messenger. Ali is his brother.successor, the chosen one, vizier, inheritor and a messenger from him, the payers of his debts, the fulfiller of his promises, responsibilities. return his amanat, will fight according to his tradition with those who break the allegiance. are oppressors, and run away from the religion.
Ali has the same status with the Messenger of Allah that Haroon had to Musa. and Ali has Haroon's footsteps in front of him.
The oppressors are like those who obeyed the calf.
The world is a place for action and the Hereafter is a place to stay in forever.

Source: Kitab-e-Sulaym ibn Qays Al-Hilali