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Sayings of Prophet Mohammad (pbuhahf)
1. Prophet (pbuh):
The most truthful speech, the most expressive advice, and the best of historical stories is the Quran. [Man la yah?uruh al-faqih 4/402/5868]
2. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): If someone does something without knowledge, his destruction will be more than the construction! [Tuhaf ul-Uqoul page 47]
3. The Prophet said: O Abu-Dharr! Attending a scholarly discussion for an hour is more loved by God, the Almighty than a thousand nights of standing in prayer, performing a thousand units of prayer each night.
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.1, p.203.]
4. Prophet (pbuhahf): "An hour of contemplation is superior to an entire year of worship." [Bihar Anwar 20/326/711]
5. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): Good manners is one-half of religion. [Al-Khisal, pg. 30]
6. The Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: God Almighty said: Fasting is for Me, and I will personally reward for it. [Wasail al-Shia, vol. 7, p. 294, vol. 15, 16, 27 and 30]
7. Prophet (pbuhahf):
People are of two kinds: the scholars and the seekers of knowledge, and there is nothing better than them. [Al-Mujam Al-Kabeer, vol. 10, pg. 201]
8. The Messenger of God, (pbuh): The first step towards knowledge is observing silence, the second is listening, the third is acting upon it, and the fourth is spreading it. [Al-Jafariyyat (Al-Ashathiyat) Part 1, pg. 232]
9. The Prophet (pbuhahf): 'Three things harden the heart: listening to amusements (lahw), hunting, and frequently visiting the door of rulers. [Bihar Al-Anwar: 79/252/6]
10. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): Whoever learns in his adolescence, his learning remains like an engraving written on a stone.
[Bihar Anwar: 1/222/6]
11. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): There are three things that remove forgetfulness and give memory: reciting the Qur'an, brushing the teeth, and fasting.
[Bihar al-Anwar: 62/266/39]
12. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) said: "The best among you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it."
[Bihar al-Anwar, Part 2, p. 186]
13. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuhahf): One hour of justice is better than sixty years of worship, whose nights are spent in worship and days in fasting, and one hour of injustice is more severe and heavier in the eyes of God than sixty years of sin.
[Jami' al-Akhbar: 435/1216]
14. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): 'When a man says "I love you" to his wife, she will never forget it.' [Al-Kafi: 5/569/59]
15. The Prophet of God (pbuhahf): Whoever gets used to eating and drinking too much, his heart becomes hard.
[The Medicine of the Prophet, (pbuhahf): 5]
16. The Messenger of God (pbuhahf) said: Perfect sincerity is to avoid forbidden things.
[Kanz al-Ummal: 44399]
17. Prophet (pbuhahf): "Fast to stay healthy!"
[Daa'im al-Islam, vol. 1, p. 342]
18. Prophet (pbuh): "The most pious among people are those who speak the truth, whether it is in their favour or loss."
[Mizan Al Hikma, H 22483]
19. Prophet (pbuhahf): "Whoever is saddened by his bad deeds and pleased by his good deeds is a believer."
[Al-Amali by As-Saduq: 267/290]
20. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): Blessed is he who will attend the Q?’im of my Ahl al-Bayt and follow him before his rise.
[Kamal al-Din: 286/3]
21. The Messenger of God (pbuhahf): Whoever follows a path seeking knowledge, God will bless him with a path from the paths of heaven.
Kanz al-Ummal: 28746
22. Prophet of God (pbuhahf): Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable. Be audited, before you are audited, and prepare for the big audit.
Bihar Al-Anwar: 70/73/26
23. Prophet (pbuhahf): Surely , there exists in the hearts of the believers, with respect to the martyrdom of Hussain, a heat that never subsides.”
Mustadrak Al-Wasail, vol. 10, p. 318
24. I am the tree, Fatima is its branch, Ali is its pollen, Hassan and Hussein are its fruits, our Shiites are its leaves, the root of the tree is in the Garden of Eden, and its other parts are in the other parts are heaven.
[Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf]
25. Prophet (pbuhahf): The guardianship of Ali ibn Abi Talib is the guardianship of God, and his love is worshiping God, and following him is a divine obligation, and his friends are God's friends and his enemies are God's enemies, war with him is war with God and peace with him is peace with God Almighty.
[Amali Sadooq: 32]
26. Prophet (pbuhahf): ‘Worship consists of ten parts, nine of which are to do with earning a lawful living.
[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 103/9/37]
27. Prophet (pbuhahf): He who eats around someone looking at him and does not give him, he will be afflicted with a disease that has no cure;
[Tanb?h al-Khaw??ir, Part 1, pg. 47]
28. Prophet (pbuhahf): A well-mannered son is from one of the flowers of heaven.
Al-Kafi, vol. 6, p. 3
29. Prophet (pbuhahf): God helps His servant as long as His servant is engaged in helping his brother.
[Al-Kafi: v. 2, p. 200, h. 5]
30. Prophet Mohammad (pbuhahf): He who wakes up in the morning unconcerned about the situations of fellow Muslims is not a Muslim.
[Al-Kafi: Vol. 2, p. 163, h. 1]
31. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): The best marriages is the most simplest one.
[Nahj Al-Fasahah. Hadith: 1507]
32. Prophet (pbuhahf): The closest relationship of a servant with God takes place when he is in the state of prostration.
[Kanz al-Ummal: 18935]
33. Prophet of God (pbuhahf): All about piety is to learn what you did not know and to apply what you know.
[Tanbih al-Khawatir: Part 2, p. 120]
34. Prophet (pbuhahf): Nothing is more hateful to God than having a full stomach.
[Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha: 2/36/89]
35. Prophet (pbuhahf): Whoever kisses his child, God, God Almighty writes a reward for him, and whoever makes his child happy, God will make him happy on the Day of Resurrection and when the Quran is taught to the child, his parents will be called [on the Day of Resurrection] dressed in two robes, their faces will shine like the faces of the people of Paradise.
[Al-Kafi: 6/49/1]
36. Prophet (pbuhahf): The most beloved deeds to God are those to feed or ward off one's hunger or paying one's debt, or to solve one's problem. [Nahj al-Fasaha, vol. 76]
37. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): 'When a man says "I love you" to his wife, she will never forget it.' [Al-Kafi: 5/569/59]
38. Whenever the Holy Prophet (pbuhahf) used to speak, he would smile while speaking. [Makarim Al-Akhlaq: 1/58/4]
39. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): When the believer commits sin, a black spot appears on his heart. If he repents and gives up that sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished. But if (the sin) increases, (the black spot) also increases]
40. Messenger of God (pbuhahf): Capture knowledge through writing. [Kanz al-Ummal: 29332]
41. Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf): Whoever learns in his adolescence, his learning remains like an engraving written on a stone. [Bihar Anwar: 1/222/6]
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.