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Significance of Eid Nouroz, 21st March - Speaker Sadiq Hasan , (Urdu).

Posted by Mustafa Abbas on March 20, 2015 | Views: 1401 | Ratings: 603

Addressing al-Mu`all¡ ibn Khunays, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) said: On the Nawruz Day .. ..(1) Have a Ghusl (2) Put on new or clean clothes and apply perfume. , (3) Keep fast &

(4) Recite a 4 Rak-a't salaat, after the Z'uhr and A'sr prayers, as under:-

-In the first Rak-a't after the recitation of Soorah Al Faatih'ah, recte Soorah Al Qadr 10 times.

-In the second Rak-a't, after the recitation of Soorah Al Faatih'ah, recite Soorah Al Kaafiroon 10 times.

-In the third Rak-a't, after the recitation of Soorah Al-Faatih'ah, recite Soorah Al Ikhlaas 10 times.

-In the fourth Rak-a't, after the recitation of Soorah Al Faatih'ah, recite Soorah Al Falaq 10 times, and Soorah Al Naas 10 times.

After the Salaam go into Sajdah and recite the above dua’a:


Place Date & Time

India - 21st March (4.15 am)

Iran - 21st March (2.15 am)

Moscow - 21st March (2.45 am)

Tashkent - 21st March (3.45 am)

Berlin - 20th March (11.45 pm)

Los Angeles - 20th March (3.45 pm)

New York - 20th March (6.45 pm)

Chicago - 20th March (5.45 pm)

Washington DC - 20th March (6.45 pm)

Houston - 20th March (5.45 pm)

Toronto - 20th March (6.45 pm)

Vancouver - 20th March (3.45 pm)

London - 20th March (10.45 pm)

Amsterdam - 20th March (11.45 pm)

Sydney - 21st March (9.45 am)

Melbourne - 21st March (9.45 am)

Adelaide - 21st March (9.15 am)

Perth - 21st March (6.45 am)

Auckland - 21st March (11.45 am)

Dubai - 21st March (2.45 am)