Posted by Mustafa Abbas on May 24, 2014 | Views: 1956 | Ratings: 681
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - 1) Ali ibn abli Taalib (A.S.) gave his ring to a destitute in the position of Rukoo, while praying “Salaat”, in the Masjid Nabawee. All the companions were praying behind the Holy Prophet. The destitute came in and asked for alms. No one paid any attention. Being disappointed, he was going away. At that moment Ali (A.S.) held out his hand, The destitute saw and took the ring. The companions expressed doubt about the concentration of heart and mind in worship of Allah when this event took place.
In reply the All-knowing. All –Aware sent down this declaration. ?Verily your “Walee” is Allah; and His Messenger and those who establish “Salaat”, and pay “Zakaat” while they be in “Rukoo”.? (Maa-Idah: 55) "
2) Some historians mention that the Hadith e kisa event was also on the same day prior to the Prophet (saws) setting out for Mubahila
3) Sura Insan or Hal Ata , or Dhar which records the giving of Alms to the Orphan destitute & Traveller by Fatima (sa) Hassan (as) & Hussein (as) is another event on the 25th of Zilhajj
Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.