[Quran 96:15] Nay! if not he desists surely We will drag him by the forelock
[Quran 96:12] Or he enjoins [of the] righteousness
[Quran 96:11] Have you seen if he is upon [the] guidance
[Quran 96:9] Have you seen the one who forbids
[Quran 96:8] Indeed, to your Lord (is) the return.
[Quran 96:7] That he sees himself self-sufficient.
[Quran 96:6] Nay! Indeed, man surely transgresses
[Quran 96:3] Read and your Lord (is) Most Generous
[Quran 96:2] He created man from a clinging substance.
[Quran 96:1] Read in (the) name (of) your Lord the One Who created.