Most Recent ( 1818 )

Madina was totally engulfed in confusion and anxiety. The companions of the Prophet had gathered round his house with tearful eyes and grieved hearts. The reports which were pouring out from the house showed that his condition was extremely serious and there was very little hope of his recovery. This showed that only a few moments of his precious life were left. A number of the companions of the Prophet were desirous o...

Sin – the Arabic equivalents of which are ithm and 'isyan – signifies disobeying the injunctions of the Lord and the failure to comply with His wishes. In other words, the committing of an action which is displeasing to the Lord, the Creator, (due to the harm it entails) or to avoid an action that has been obligated by Him (due to the benefit it entails). Hence, sin is contradictory to the spirit of obedience. The Reality of Sin...

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.   13th, 14th and 15th of Rajab, Shabaan and Ramzan are known as "Ayyam-e-Bayz" - (the days of surpassing splendour) Imam Jafar Sadiq(...

Every year, people in Iran commemorate the national Father’s Day and Men’s Day on the 13th day of the lunar Islamic month of Rajab, which marks the birth anniversary of Imam Ali. Imam Ali was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s highly revered son-in-law and cousin as well as the first Imam of Shia Islam. Imam Ali is respected for hi...

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.   Dwelling in a life-in-death situation, nearly three hund...

A political analyst says the collapse of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government would be a disaster for both the Arab country and the entire region, Press TV reports. In an interview on Saturday, Eric Draitser said any scenario for Syria resulting in Assad’s removal from power would be a disaster as it would create a power ...

A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced two young activists to prison for “inciting anti-regime demonstrations” in the town of Awamiyah, the Qatif region of Eastern Province. The Jeddah court on Friday gave one defendant a five-year sentence and the other a six-year sentence. Each of the defendants was also fined $13,000. ...

Noorun Ala Noor ( 72 ) images from verses of Quran, Tafsir, Hadith Sunni and Shia under multimedia section.  ...

9th of Rajab 1435 AH - birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) ibn-e-Imam Hussain(as) in 60AH. Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) was one of the four sons of Imam Hussain(as) (according to most reports) or one of six sons of Imam Hussain(as) (according to ibn-e-shahr Ashoob). His mother was Hazrat Rubab bint-e-Umra-ul-Qais who was the chief of the tribe of Kinda. On this occasion of happiness, I do not wish to relate the sad events of Karbala where Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) held a very cent...

The leader of Syria's main foreign-backed opposition group has called for more US weapons to fight the Syrian government. Continue reading.     Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and...

See AlsoQuran Read or Listen: Al-Fatiha Al-Baqara Al Imran ...

Terrorists of Islamic State in Iraq Threaten to Kill Grand Shia Cleric 'Ayatollah Sistani' The so-called Takfiri group, Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) threatened to assassinate the Iraq-based Muslim religious leader, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al Sistani. In a statement on Tuesday, the terrorist group said: “At present, the Shiite religious leader in Iraq is a person named Ali Sistani who is a remnant of Safavid generation. We warn all Shiites that Sistani shoul...

Importance of Wilayat of Ahlebait(as) Holy Prophet(saww) said: Allah(swt) says I made namaz (prayer) wajib (compulsory), but there is a concession for those who are traveling. I made fasting wajib (compulsory) except for those who are traveling. I made hajj wajib, except for those without means. I made zakat (poor tax)wajib but only on those who have wealth. I made the love of Ali ibn Abi Talib(as) as an absolute wajib (compulsory) upon all of creation in the heavens and...

A survey has disclosed that state officials' corruption is “endemic” in Saudi Arabia and remains a major problem in the oil-rich kingdom. According to the poll carried out by the Saudi National Anti-Corruption Commission, 67.8 percent of the respondents said the level of financial and state corruption is on the rise in Saudi Ara...

Read or Listen:Al-FatihaAl-BaqaraAl ImranAn-Nisa...

Amals to recite on 7th night of Rajab. 4 RAKA'TS NAMAZ (in units of 2 raka'ts) In each Rakat recite 1.Sura-e-Fateha - 1 time 2. Sura-e-Tawheed - 3 times 3. Surah-al-Falaq - 1 time 4. Surah-an-Naas - 1 time. Complete the Namaz as Namaz-e-Subh After the completion of the above mentioned prayers recite Recite ten times Salawat Recite ten times Tasbeehate Arba SUBHANALLAHE WAL HAMDO ...