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Quran word analysis 73:5

[Quran 73:5] Indeed, We will cast upon you a Word heavy.

Imam Reza (AS): “Indeed the Honorable the Exalted God has ordered three things which are along with three other things. He has ordered us to pray and pay the alms. The prayers of whoever prays but does not pay the alms is not accepted of him. He has also ordered to thank Him and our parents. Whoever thanks God but does not thank his parents has not really thanked God. God has ordered us to fear God and to visit the relations of kin. Whoever does not visit his relatives has indee...

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.   Imam Reza (AS) narrated Prophet Muhammad (S): “As long as a believer guards his prayers Satan fears him. Once he gets negligent about saying his prayers Satan overcomes him and leads him to commit sins.” [Tuhaf al-Uqul] ImamRezaEN...

Quran word analysis 73:4

[Quran 73:4] Or add to it, and recite the Quran (with) measured rhythmic recitation.

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.   Imam Reza (AS): “The Imam is the head of the religious affairs, the system of the Muslims, the goodness of the world, the stronghold of the believers.” Tuhaf al-Uqul &...

Quran word analysis 73:3

[Quran 73:3] Half of it, or lessen from it a little,

Prophet Muhammad (S): 'This religion will always remain honorable and protected from the enemies under the leadership of twelve persons, all of whom belong to the Quraish’ [Tisiral Vosoul, written by Zobeidi Shafei] Clear and explicit traditions are narrated in respect to the twelve successors of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) in the most creditable books of the Sunnites including ‘Sahih Bukhari’, ‘Sahih Muslim&...

Quran word analysis 73:2   Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow. ...

Imam Reza (AS): “Everyone’s friend is his intellect and everyone’s enemy is his ignorance.” [Uyun Akhbar ar-Ridha, Vol. 2, Chap. 31, Hadith 1]   Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.   ...

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.   Quran word analysis 73:1   O you wrapped up in your mantle!   ...

Imam Reza (AS) has narrated that: “The Prophet of God (PBUH) damned whoever causes an affliction or hides someone who has done so.” Al-Hassan ibn Bint Elias asked Imam Reza (AS): “What is meant by causing an affliction here?” The Imam (AS) replied, “Killing.” [Uyun al-Akhbar al-Reza, vol 1, chap. 28, hadith 80.]

Please wait for pictures to download, click ">" for next picture, "<" for previous picture or wait for pictures to play in slideshow.     [Quran 68:52] And not it (is) but a Reminder to the worlds.     Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.   &n...

Imam Ali (a.s.): “You should adhere to the Book of Allah because it is the strong rope, a clear light, a benefiting cure, a quenching for thirst, protection for the adherent and deliverance for the attached. It does not curve so as to need straightening and does not deflect so as to be corrected.” [Nahjul-Balagah,Sermon 156] @Etrat_net   Qur'anic verses a...

[Quran 68:51] And indeed, would almost those who disbelieve, surely make you slip with their look when they hear the Message, and they say, "Indeed, he (is) surely mad."

The Holy Prophet (saww) said: "Allah will not punish the heart that it is the place of Quran." [Amali Toosi 6/1] @Etrat_net   Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.

[Quran 68:50] But chose him, his Lord, and made him of the righteous.

The best prescription Imam Ali (AS): 'The avoidance of that which you dislike [to see] in others would be sufficient for your own edification.’ [Nahj al-Balagha, Wisdom 412] ‘Don’t they feel shy?’, ‘How could they possibly say that?’, ‘A bit of manners won’t hurt!’, ‘They’re only being picky and fussy’, etc. You may have said some of these expressions at some point in your life when encount...

[Quran 68:49] If not that overtook him a Favor from his Lord, surely he would have been onto (the) naked shore while he (was) blamed.   Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.

Hazrat Fatima (s.a): "Three things of this world fascinate me: Reading the Quran,looking at the Prophet’s face,and alms-giving in the way of Allah." [Nahjul- Hayat, H 164] @Etrat_net   Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.   ...

[Quran 68:48] So be patient for (the) decision (of) your Lord, and (do) not be like (the) companion (of) the fish, when he called out, while he (was) distressed.   Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.   ...