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Noorun Ala Noor ( 72 ) images from verses of Quran, Tafsir, Hadith Sunni and Shia under multimedia section.  ...

9th of Rajab 1435 AH - birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) ibn-e-Imam Hussain(as) in 60AH. Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) was one of the four sons of Imam Hussain(as) (according to most reports) or one of six sons of Imam Hussain(as) (according to ibn-e-shahr Ashoob). His mother was Hazrat Rubab bint-e-Umra-ul-Qais who was the chief of the tribe of Kinda. On this occasion of happiness, I do not wish to relate the sad events of Karbala where Hazrat Ali Asghar(as) held a very cent...

The leader of Syria's main foreign-backed opposition group has called for more US weapons to fight the Syrian government. Continue reading.     Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and...

See AlsoQuran Read or Listen: Al-Fatiha Al-Baqara Al Imran ...

Terrorists of Islamic State in Iraq Threaten to Kill Grand Shia Cleric 'Ayatollah Sistani' The so-called Takfiri group, Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) threatened to assassinate the Iraq-based Muslim religious leader, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al Sistani. In a statement on Tuesday, the terrorist group said: “At present, the Shiite religious leader in Iraq is a person named Ali Sistani who is a remnant of Safavid generation. We warn all Shiites that Sistani shoul...

Importance of Wilayat of Ahlebait(as) Holy Prophet(saww) said: Allah(swt) says I made namaz (prayer) wajib (compulsory), but there is a concession for those who are traveling. I made fasting wajib (compulsory) except for those who are traveling. I made hajj wajib, except for those without means. I made zakat (poor tax)wajib but only on those who have wealth. I made the love of Ali ibn Abi Talib(as) as an absolute wajib (compulsory) upon all of creation in the heavens and...

A survey has disclosed that state officials' corruption is “endemic” in Saudi Arabia and remains a major problem in the oil-rich kingdom. According to the poll carried out by the Saudi National Anti-Corruption Commission, 67.8 percent of the respondents said the level of financial and state corruption is on the rise in Saudi Ara...

Read or Listen:Al-FatihaAl-BaqaraAl ImranAn-Nisa...

Amals to recite on 7th night of Rajab. 4 RAKA'TS NAMAZ (in units of 2 raka'ts) In each Rakat recite 1.Sura-e-Fateha - 1 time 2. Sura-e-Tawheed - 3 times 3. Surah-al-Falaq - 1 time 4. Surah-an-Naas - 1 time. Complete the Namaz as Namaz-e-Subh After the completion of the above mentioned prayers recite Recite ten times Salawat Recite ten times Tasbeehate Arba SUBHANALLAHE WAL HAMDO ...

Iran is entitled to support Syria during the crisis stoked and fueled by the West, Israel and its extremist puppets, a political analyst tells Press TV. “Iran has the right to support its allies, and the people who created the problem are the Wahhabis and the Zionists and the Americans and British who want to get rid of Syria,” said Rand...

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swoll...

 [Quran 42:23] That is of which Allah gives the good news to His servants, (to) those who believe and do good deeds. Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives; and whoever earns good, We give him more of good therein; surely Allah is Forgiving, Grateful.   1) Mai to panjatan ka Ghulama hoon (urdu). ...

Moula Ali, the master of science, Click to view.     Qur'anic verses and hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and sayings in Arabic, Persian and English.

This jail was the jail that imam Ali al Hadi (as) i.e Imam Ali Naqi (as), 10th Imam of Shias was kept for years in Samara by the Abbasid Caliphs and died there in imprisonment.   5th of Rajab  - birth anniversary of the 10th Holy Imam, Imam Ali Naqi al-...

Mahmud was a very pious man, but he was not very attractive looking. One day, he was walking along the road, minding his own business, when a lady came up to him, and started calling him names and abusing him. This lady kept saying all kinds of nasty things, and Mahmud just listened to her patiently. Finally, when she was finished calling him names and abusing him, Mahmud just greeted her, smiled, and said "and a nice day to you," and continued on his way. Why did Mahmud,...

A Muslim scholar (sheikh) was on a visit to China to give a series of lectures to the local Muslim community. One day, he was scheduled to give a lecture at a local hall and was about to take a taxi along with his companions to that location. They got into the taxi and the Sheikh asked about the length of time it would take to get to the lecture hall. The taxi driver, through the interpreter, answered "Two hours." The Sheikh immediately turned to his companions and said: ...

A miser had accumulated, by effort, trade and lending, three hunderd thousand dinars. He had lands and buildings, and all kinds of wealth. He then decided that he would spend a year in enjoyment, living comfortably, and then decide as what his future should be. But, almost as soon as he had stopped amassing money the Angel of Death appeared before him, to take his life away. The miser tried, by every argument which he could muster, to dissuade the Angel, who seemed, howev...

Story of a Wrestler Junaid Baghdadi 122 Junaid Baghdadi earned his livelihood as a professional wrestler. As was the norm, the Leader of Baghdad announced one day, "Today, Junaid Baghdadi will demonstrate his skills as a wrestler, is there anyone to challenge him." An elderly man shakily stood up with his neck quivering and said, "I will enter the contest with him." Whoever was witness to this scene could not contain themselves, they burst out howling with laughter, clap...